Israeli soldiers abducted, overnight and on Tuesday, at least twenty-two Palestinians in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has confirmed.

The PPS stated that the soldiers invaded and ransacked dozens of homes across the West Bank and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

The PPS office in Nablus governorate, in northern West Bank, said the soldiers invaded many communities and abducted seven Palestinians, identified as Mohammad Fayez Shouli, 20, Bassam Hamed Shouli, 38, Fares Bassam Shouli, 30, Mohammad Ahmad Sawalma, 32, Muthanna Ehsan Arab, 36, Issam Walid Ghannam, 24, and Mahmoud Nayef Silwadi, 33.

In Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Akram Mohammad Da’dou, Mohammad Ja’far Da’dou, Radi Salah Taqatqa, Mohsin As’ad Thawabta and Yousef Kawazba.

In Tubas, in northeastern West Bank, the soldiers abducted Samer Sameeh Sawafta, 39, Rayeq Sadeq Bisharat, Bassem Thieb Sawafta, and his sons Mohammad and Qassam.

In occupied Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Zeid Nabil Masalma, 21, the son of Nabil Masalma, who is serving a 32-year prison term, Moath Yousef Tbeish, in addition to Mahmoud Khaled Damdoum, 25, and Ahmad Jawad Othman, 14, from the al-‘Ezariyya town, near Jerusalem.

Also in Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Sheikh Ra’ed Da’na of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, while walking near his home.

It is worth mentioning that, two days ago, the army handed Sheikh Da’na, a warrant preventing him from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque for six months.