Israeli soldiers bulldozed and uprooted, Wednesday, large areas of Palestinian agricultural lands in Hijja village, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, and near Salfit in central West Bank.

Mohammad Abu Sheikh, a Palestinian Authority official who monitors Israel’s illegal colonialist activities in Qalqilia governorate, said several army bulldozers started uprooted approximately 145 Dunams of farmlands.

He added that the Israeli violation comes as part of the efforts to expand the Industrial Zone of the illegal Karnei Shomron colony, which was built on privately-owned Palestinian lands.

Tahani Zoheidi, a member of Hijja Village Council, said most of the bulldozed lands were planted with olive trees, and are owned by approximately five families.

Furthermore, the soldiers also invaded Palestinian lands in Broqin village, west of the central West Bank city of Salfit.

Marwan Abdul-Rahman, the head of Bruqin Village Council, said the soldiers uprooted around 150 olive trees in Khirbat Qarqash area, northeast of the village.