On Tuesday morning, dozens of Israeli soldiers and undercover officers invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus before storming the Al-Qaryoun neighborhood in the Old City, leading to protests; medical sources confirmed the soldiers shot twelve Palestinians, including a child, with live rounds, and caused dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation, and abducted two young men.

Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Emergency Department at the Nablus office of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), has confirmed that the soldiers shot twelve Palestinians with live rounds, including a child the soldiers shot in the chest.

He added that the soldiers shot a Palestinian with a rubber-coated steel bullet and caused at least 75 to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The soldiers also surrounded a house in the Al-Qaryoun neighborhood in the Old City and stormed the property after firing a rocket at it, and abducted Hamza Mansour Al-Halsa. The soldiers smashed the main door of the property before storming and violently searched it, causing extensive damage.

The Palestinian Directorate of Education in Nablus had to evacuate the Al-Khalidiyya and Jamal Abdul-Nasser Schools, near the Old City, due to the intensity of gas bombs and to ensure the safety of the children.

The soldiers also abducted a young man, Shadi Atallah, from the Al-Makhfiyya neighborhood in the Old City.

Media sources said the invasions occurred from several directions and led to protests on Ras Al-Ein, Al-Makhfiyya, and Tal Street, and added that Palestinian fighters exchanged fire with the soldiers who also used drones.