Earlier Saturday, Israeli soldiers invaded the Balata refugee camp east of Nablus in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, killed two Palestinians, and injured three, including one woman.

Undercover Israeli soldiers infiltrated the refugee camp and surrounded a home before many army vehicles invaded the area and fired a barrage of live rounds, in addition to several grenades and shells, causing serious damage and burning large parts of the property.

Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Nablus office of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), said the soldiers killed Saed Jihad Shaker Mesha, 32, and Adnan Wasim Yousef Al-A’raj, 19, after shooting them with live fire in the head.

The soldiers also shot three Palestinians; one of the wounded is a Palestinian woman the soldiers shot with four live rounds.

The soldiers shot the woman, 50, with four live rounds, causing life-threatening wounds. Three Palestinians were injured by shrapnel from bullets, and 75 suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Palestinian ambulances were not allowed to enter the refugee camp until the soldiers killed the Palestinians and left the area at least an hour later. During the invasion, the medics could only evacuate one wounded Palestinian on foot.

The army also invaded several areas of Nablus city and its suburbs before closing many streets and installing roadblocks.

On Friday evening, the soldiers shot three Palestinians in Azzoun town, east of Qalqilia, in the northern West Bank, during protests after they invaded it.

Palestine TV