Two Palestinians, including a journalist, were shot by Israeli occupation forces, while 17 others suffocated, on Friday, during the weekly protest, in the village of Kufur Qaddoum in the northern West Bank district of Qalqilia, local sources said.

Morad Eshteiwi, the coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Colonies, told Palestinian WAFA News Agency that Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated rounds and teargas at the the protesters. 2 people were shot with rubber-coated steel bullets, and 17 others suffered the toxic effects of tear-gas inhalation.

Ja’far Shtayyeh, a journalist affiliated with the Agence France-Presse (AFP) was shot and injured by Israeli forces. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate condemned the targeting of a photojournalist, describing it as a result of Israeli government’s campaign against Palestinian journalists.

The Palestinians in the village of Kufur Qaddoum and surrounding community have been holding weekly protests since 2002, when the Israeli occupation closed the main road connecting the villages to the city of Nablus. Every Friday, locals come out to show their objection to illegal Israeli settlements and the apartheid wall.

Images: Shehab News Agency