Five Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for several days, in protest of their administrative detention without trial or indictment.

According to Prisoners Media Center, the hunger strikers are Husam al-Razza and Mohamed Tabanja, and they have been on hunger strike for about 40 days and 32 days respectively, while Hasan al-Aweiwi and Odeh al-Haroub started their hunger strike together on April 2, 2019.

Another prisoner, named Mohamed al-Haymouni, has been on hunger strike for 31 days running, PNN reports.

All the hunger strikers are suffering from increasingly poor health conditions, and some of them already have health problems.

These five hunger strikers are being exposed to oppressive measures by the Israeli prison service, including solitary confinement and repeated transfers.

The hunger strikers are also deprived of seeing their families and are rarely allowed to see their lawyers