149 Palestinian families lost ten or more of their members in the occupation’s aggression against Gaza.

34% of Gaza’s hospitals are not functioning and 65% of primary health care centers are closed.

Among the displaced are 37,000 people suffering from non-communicable diseases, 4,600 pregnant women, and 15% of them suffer from various disabilities.

12 facilities were out of service and 219 educational institutions were destroyed, including 29 UNRWA schools.

Ramallah 10-26-2023 WAFA – The Ministry of Health announced that the death toll from the ongoing Israeli occupation forces aggression against the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, since October 7, has risen to more than 6,955 martyrs (6,850 in the Gaza Strip, 105 in West Bank) and about 19 thousand wounded (17 thousand in the Gaza Strip, 1,900 in the West Bank).

The Ministry stated in its daily report issued Thursday evening that the percentage of martyrs among children, women and the elderly reached about 70%.

The Ministry said that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees (UNRWA), which is the largest provider of humanitarian aid in Gaza, has almost exhausted its fuel reserves and has begun to significantly reduce its operations, indicating that 8 trucks carrying water, food, and medical supplies entered through the Rafah crossing on the night of the 24th of this month.

The World Health Organization is working in coordination with the Palestine Red Crescent Society to facilitate the delivery of supplies to hospitals.

The Ministry added that 34% of Gaza’s hospitals are not working, and 65% of primary health care centers are closed, while more than 37,000 displaced people suffer from non-communicable diseases, including 4,600 pregnant women, and 15% of them suffer from various disabilities.

The Ministry indicated that 149 Palestinian families lost ten or more of their members in the occupation’s aggression against Gaza, while 123 families lost between 6-9 members, and 416 families lost between 2-5 of their members.

Regarding attacks on health personnel, the Ministry recorded more than 260 attacks, with 73 health personnel martyred, more than 100 injured, and 50 ambulances damaged, including 25 that were completely out of service.

There were also 69 attacks on health facilities, 12 of which were out of service, namely the International Eye Hospital, Dar Al Salam Hospital, Al-Yaman Al-Saeed Hospital, Psychiatric Hospital, Beit Hanoun Hospital, Al-Durrah Children’s Hospital, Hamad Rehabilitation Hospital, Al-Karama Hospital, and Al-Wafa Rehabilitation Hospital, Medical and specialized surgery.

It is also expected that the Turkish Friendship Hospital will stop working within 24-48 hours due to the sharp decrease in fuel, as well as the Al-Quds Hospital affiliated with the Red Crescent and the National Arab Baptist Hospital, which is now partially operating, and it is possible that it will stop working as a result of the bombing and the decrease in fuel. atheism.

She pointed out that the occupation demanded the evacuation of 24 hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip (the total capacity of these hospitals is 2,000 beds).

She pointed to the severe shortage of medicines, equipment, and personnel needed to treat large numbers of wounded, in addition to the sharp decrease in fuel needed to operate electricity, as surgical operations are performed without anesthesia and by the light of telephones.

She indicated that hospitals are operating at more than 150% of their capacity, and patients are being treated in corridors, on floors and other inappropriate places. For example, Al-Shifa Medical Complex is currently treating 5,000 patients daily, while its capacity is 700 patients.

She added that about 9,000 cancer patients depend on chemotherapy to survive, and the service is provided by the Turkish hospital that relies on one electric generator, which is expected to stop working within 24-48 hours, adding that more than 1,000 patients are receiving dialysis.

The session time was reduced from 4 hours to 2.5 hours for the patient, and more than 130 premature newborns dependent on incubators face the risk of death due to the scarcity of resources and the lack of electricity.

About 50,000 pregnant women also face challenges in accessing health care as a result of attacks on health facilities and workers, while about 166 unsafe births are recorded daily, and 5,500 women are expected to give birth next month in the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Health estimated the number of displaced people in the Gaza Strip at about one million four hundred thousand citizens, with 685,000 displaced with other families, 565,000 displaced in 148 schools affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees, 101,000 in mosques, churches and public places, and 70,000 in 67 government schools.

The report indicated that 45% of the housing units in the Gaza Strip were destroyed as a result of the violent bombardment launched by the occupation army by air, land and sea since the start of the aggression on the seventh of this month.

The number of completely destroyed housing units reached 27,781 units, 150,000 units were partially destroyed, and 12 health facilities were destroyed or out of service after their destruction, in addition to 219 educational institutions, including 29 UNRWA schools.

The Ministry of Health stressed that the shelter centers are overloaded by 250%, which poses a risk of disease outbreaks.

The Ministry indicated that many victims are still missing under the rubble.

Last Tuesday, Minister of Health Mai Al-Kaila announced the complete collapse of the health sector in the southern governorates, which means that all hospitals are no longer able to provide any medical services to the sick and wounded.

The Ministry of Health monitored cases of smallpox, scabies, and diarrhea, as a result of a poor sanitary environment and the use of water from unsafe sources.