Presidential spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudainah condemned, on Thursday, calls by some parties for President Mahmoud Abbas to issue an order for legislative and presidential elections, irrespective of whether Israel will allow voting in occupied Jerusalem, the Palestinian News and Info Agency (WAFA) reported.

“The call by some for holding elections away from Jerusalem is an attempt to relinquish one of the Palestinian national constants and a sign of support for the Israeli occupation that is trying to Judaize the holy city,” Abu Rudainah said in a statement.

He reiterated the firm position of the leadership and President Mahmoud Abbas that no elections can be held without Jerusalem, regardless of any other pressure.

“We will not give the [Israeli] occupation the opportunity to impose a fait accompli policy, and we will continue our joint efforts with international parties to pressure Israel to agree to the candidacy and election of our Palestinian people in Jerusalem in the upcoming elections.”

He continued, “Jerusalem may not, in any way be part of any ceasefire understandings that could undermine the independent national decision. This might impose a mysterious situation that does not serve the national identity.”

Meanwhile, the presidential spokesman condemned attempts by an Israeli settler to break into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and threaten the worshippers. He blamed the Israeli government responsible for this act.

“The act of threatening comes in line with the Israeli government’s policy against Christian and Muslim religious sites in Jerusalem by allowing settlers to storm them and threaten the believers there.”

Photo: Alray
Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam