
The Israeli ‘civil administration’ invaded al-‘Isawiya neighborhood in East Jerusalem, on Monday and proceeded to demolish agricultural structures belonging to Ahmad Abed Mahmoud, and Abed Nemer Mahmoud, according to Quds News Network.

Also on Monday, the Israeli military dismantled and seized a Palestinian-owned greenhouse in the village of al-Sawahreh al-Sharqiya, having been built without a permit, according to local sources.

Sources told Palestinian WAFA News Agency that soldiers invaded the village, southeast of Jerusalem and proceeded to dismantle the 200-square-meter plastic greenhouse before seizing it.

Israeli forces demolished, on Monday, several shacks and tents in the village of Birin, in Masafer Yatta and seized them, according to a local activist.

Fouad al-Amoor told WAFA that Israeli forces stormed the southern West Bank village, demolished the shelters belonging to local Palestinian families before taking them away.

Rateb al-Jabour, Popular committees coordinator, told WAFA that the structures sheltered 20 children, women and elderly people.

Video: Reposted from Wadi Hilweh Information Center (Silwanic)