Summary for November 12 – 18, 2020

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued to commit crimes and multi-faceted violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized by excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians. This week, the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Israel Lands Authority issued a call for tenders for construction of 1,257 settlement units in “Givat Hamatos” settlement, which was established on the lands of Beit Safafa village, southern occupied East Jerusalem. These units would connect “Gilo” and “Har Homa” settlements with “Talpiot” settlement.

The construction of these settlement units would seal off Bethlehem from Beit Safafa village and southern occupied East Jerusalem and will entail further restrictions and obstacles on Palestinians’ freedom of movement and access to their lands.

This Israeli bidding was released 4 days after Israel’s approval to construct 108 settlement units in “Ramat Shlomo” settlement, northern occupied East Jerusalem. With these two bids, Israel is resuming construction in two settlements, where expansion efforts were frozen in 2014 due to international pressures. These tenders coincide with escalated IOF demolition and confiscation of Palestinian properties and lands, particularly in Area “C” in the West Bank.

PCHR fears that Israeli intends to accelerate settlement expansion before President-elect Joe Biden assumes US presidency on 20 January 2021, as it is reported that Israel plans to approve the construction of at least 13,000 settlement units in occupied East Jerusalem.

This week, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) documented 215 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by IOF and settlers in the oPt. It should be noted that the limitations due to the corona virus pandemic, has limited PCHR’s fieldworkers mobility and ability to conduct field documentation; therefore, the information contained in this report are only part of the continued IOF violations.

IOF shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity:

Twelve Palestinian civilians, including two children, sustained wounds in IOF excessive use of force in the West Bank: six were wounded, including one child who lost sight in his eye due to his injury, in an IOF raid into Qalandiya refugee camp in Jerusalem; three others sustained wounds in IOF raid into Qaddura refugee camp in Ramallah; and two others, including a child, in IOF suppression of Kufur Qaddoum’s weekly protest against settlement expansion activities; and a photojournalist was wounded while covering clashed in Hebron.

In the Gaza Strip, four IOF shootings were reported at agricultural lands eastern Gaza Strip, and once against fishing boats, western Gaza. Israeli war planes launched an airstrike on a vacant land in eastern Rafah.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 101 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, provoking terror among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 77 Palestinians were arrested, including five children. In the besieged Gaza Strip, IOF conducted a limited incursion into eastern Khan Younis.


PCHR documented 15 incidents, including:

    Nablus: an under-construction facility was demolished.

    Tubas: room and pool demolished; a tin-plated barracks, used for shelter was dismantled;
    5 tractors and excavator confiscated.

    East Jerusalem: 2 houses self-demolished in Jabal Mokaber; 4 commercial barracks demolished; call for tenders (bidding) for the construction of hundreds of settlement units

    Bethlehem: house foundations, a retaining wall and concrete floor demolished in Beit Jala; one house and heritage sites razed, as well as a retaining wall and farm road in al-Walaja ; tractor confiscated in Tuqu’; and an agricultural barracks, a house, and a water well demolished in Artas.

    Hebron: settlement road constructed, and 8 demolition notices served in Yatta.


PCHR fieldworkers documented two settler-violence incidents: 20 sheep stolen from north-eastern Ramallah; and a child was assaulted in Hebron.

Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

The Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the history of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life.

Meanwhile, IOF continued to divide the West Bank into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted, and they are subject to arrest.
I. Shooting and Other Violations of the Right to Life and Bodily Integrity

  • At approximately 02:20 on Thursday, 12 November 2020, IOF backed by military vehicles, invaded Kobar village, north of Ramallah. They stationed in Wadi al-Sheikh area, where the soldiers deployed between the neighborhoods. Some of them raided Mo’atasem Zibar’s, 22, house while dozens of Palestinian young men gathered to throw stones at the IOF infantry forces. The soldiers fired sound bombs and teargas canisters randomly at the stone-throwers and between houses. As a result, some stone-throwers suffocated. The clashes continued until 04:30 when IOF withdrew and deliberately collided Najjab al-Barghouthi’s black Ford car that was parked on the roadside, causing damage to the backside of it.

    In recent days, Kobar has witnessed several house invasions and incursions by the IOF that included searches of Zibar family houses and others. Many members of the family were detained and arrested to put pressure on former prisoner Raed Yousif Zibar to surrender himself. It should be noted that Mo’atasem is the former prisoner’s nephew.

  • At approximately 07:00, IOF attacked an elderly man, Mohammed ‘Abdel Hamid Jaber Sleibi, 74, from Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, when he was with his daughters in their land in Wadi Abu al-Rish in western Beit Ummar to harvest olives. As a result, he sustained bruises.

“I went in the morning with my daughters to my land in Wad Abu al-Rish area in western Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, to harvest olives. As my land is located near Beit Ein settlement that was established in the 1980s, it has always been subject to settlers’ continuous attacks. Around half an hour after arriving, 4 IOF soldiers approached and ordered us to leave. I told them that I would call the Israeli Military Liaison to inform them about my presence in the land. One of the soldiers then approached me, pushed me and I fell on the ground. He started beating me with rifles’ butts on my right side. My daughters ran to me and started screaming at the soldiers, who insisted we leave the land. We went back home but I felt pain in my right side. Later, I filed a complaint to the Israeli police about what happened.” – Mohammed ‘Abdel Hamid Jaber Sleibi

  • At approximately 13:20, IOF stationed inside the Israel-Gaza border, eastern Khan Younis, opened fire at the agricultural lands and bird hunters in eastern Khuza’a adjacent to the border. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 02:00 on Friday, 13 November 2020, IOF backed by military vehicles invaded Ramallah towards Qaddura Refugee Camp in the city center. IOF stationed at the entrance to the camp and patrolled the streets. A number of Palestinian young men gathered to throw stones at the soldiers, who chased them and started shooting live bullets and firing teargas canisters. As a result, three civilians sustained bullet injuries in the lower extremities and were taken by a Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) ambulance to Palestine Medical Complex in the City. IOF later withdrew from the city, and no arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 11:00, villagers from Beit Dajan village, northeast of Nablus, and representatives of the National Action Factions in Nablus organized a peaceful protest, which started from the village council heading to the lands under threat of confiscation east of the village. The protesters raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the Israeli occupation, settlers, annexation wall and the Deal of Century. When the protestors arrived at the area, they found a large number of Israeli soldiers awaiting them. IOF suppressed the protest and fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.
  • At approximately 12:00, IOF stationed inside the Gaza-Israel border fence, east of al-Bureij, central Gaza Strip, opened fire at the agricultural lands. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 12:30, IOF stationed at the “northern entrance” established on Kufur Qaddoum lands, north of Qalqilia, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of Palestinian civilians. IOF chased the young men, who gathered in the area and clashed with them, firing live bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a 17-year-old child was injured with teargas canister in the abdomen, and another 18-year-old was injured with a teargas canister in the head.
  • At approximately 13:00, Palestinian young men gathered in Bab al-Zawiyah area in central Hebron and threw stones and empty bottles at the checkpoint, known as Checkpoint 56 and established at the entrance to the closed Shuhadaa’ Street leading to Tel Rumeida area. IOF stepped out of their vehicles and stationed behind cement cubes, firing teargas canisters randomly in the area. They chased the stone-throwers on Wad al-Tofah Street and the area near Mahrouqat Hassounah Court. As a result, a photojournalist, Hazem Jamil Ragheb Bader, was injured with a sound bomb in the right leg and treated on the spot by another journalist, who was present to cover the events. Bader was then taken in his car to al-Ahli Hospital, where it was found that the injury caused a calf muscle tear. The clashes continued until 16:00; no arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 16:20, Palestinian young men gathered at the northern entrance to al-Bireh. Some of them approached al-Mahkamah Military Checkpoint established near “Beit El” settlement, north of al-Bireh and threw stones at the checkpoint. The soldiers chased the stone-throwers and fired teargas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, a number of them suffocated due to teargas inhalation. The clashes continued until 18:00, but no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 15:15 on Saturday, 14 November 2020, IOF gunboats stationed off al-Waha area, northwest of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles, sporadically opened heavy fire at them, causing fear and panic among them and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 05:00 on Sunday, 15 November 2020, IOF warplanes launched four missiles at a vacant land, east of Rafah, in the southern strip, near the former Gaza International airport, no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 12:00, IOF stationed adjacent to the annexation wall established on al-Midya village lands, west of Ramallah, randomly fired teargas canisters and sound bombs at the Palestinian workers, who were trying to enter Israel for work. As a result, two civilians suffocated due to teargas inhalation.
  • At approximately 18:30 on Monday, 16 November 2020, IOF stationed inside the Gaza-Israel border fence, east of al-Maghazi, central Gaza Strip, opened fire at the agricultural lands. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 15:00, an IOF infantry unit moved into al-Thaher area, south of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, where “Karmei Tzur” settlement is established on the Palestinian lands. IOF soldiers deployed in the agricultural lands and when they approached houses, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones. The soldiers chased the young men and fired teargas canisters and sound bombs randomly at them. As a result, some of the young men suffocated due to teargas inhalation while IOF arrested Aysar Mohammed Za’aqiq, 17, and took him to the IOF camp in the settlement.
  • At approximately 13:30 on Tuesday, 17 November 2020, large numbers of Israeli forces stormed Kafr ‘Aqab village, north of occupied East Jerusalem. They stationed along Jerusalem – Ramallah Road, adjacent to Qalandiya refugee camp, set military checkpoints, checked civilians’ ID cards, deployed the village neighborhoods, and gave fines to the passersby, who do not wear face masks.

    Large numbers of Israeli soldiers raided commercial shops and imposed fines on their owners, alleging that they did not adhere to the Israeli government instruction to combat the outbreak of corona virus. In the meantime, young men gathered at the entrance to Qalandiya refugee camp and threw stones, fireworks, and molotov cocktails at IOF, causing the injury of one Israeli soldier.

    An Israeli force immediately stormed the camp and fired live ammunition, rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protestors and clashed with civilians for two hours. As a result, the window shields of nine Palestinian vehicles were smashed. Furthermore, six civilians, including a child, were shot with rubber-coated steel rounds. They were transferred to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.

    The injured child was shot directly in his eye with a rubber-coated steel bullet, and he lost sight as a result of that. Dozens of civilians also suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The wounded civilians were identified as: Bashar Ahmed Elian Hamad, 16, Yusuf Mohammed Taha Abu Latifa, Mohammed Fayez Ya’qoub, Mohammed Sami Mtair, Mahmoud Khalid Hamad, and Jadallah Husam Obeid.

  • At approximately 08:00 on Wednesday, 18 November 2020, IOF stationed inside the Gaza-Israel border fence, east of Khan Younis, opened fire at the agricultural lands, east of al-Fukhari town, adjacent to the fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 10:30, IOF backed by military vehicles stormed Tuba village in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron. The soldiers searched civilians’ houses. In the meantime, Ahmed Omer Mohammed Jendiyah, 27, a volunteer correspondent at B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, arrived at the scene to document the incident. Israeli soldiers attacked him by heavily beating him. They pushed him into the ground and confiscated his camera. Half an hour later, the soldiers returned the camera to Ahmed and ordered him to leave the area.
  • At approximately 14:00, a number of Palestinian young men gathered in al-Tawil Mountain area, east of al-Birah. They threw stones at the Israeli checkpoint established near “Psagot” settlement, which is established on lands, east of the city. Israeli soldiers chased stone-throwers in the area and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.

II. Incursions and Arrests:

Thursday, 12 November 2020:

  • At approximately 00:00, IOF moved into al-Tur neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They invaded and searched two houses belonging to Abdullah Bassam Abu Ghannam, 21, and Hasan Yasin Hmaidi, 19, and arrested them.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Qalandiya refugee camp, north of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Ahmed Abdul Aziz Mutair, 21, and Anas Shaher al-Khatib, 22, and detained them.
  • At approximately 01:50, IOF moved into Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohammed Samer Mahmoud Jaber, 21.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Yatta, south of Hebron governorate. They raided and searched Majed Salem Abu Zahra’s, 36, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF invaded Nablus. North of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Obada Saher Abu Sir, 21.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Saf street and al-Fawaghera neighborhood in Bethlehem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Emad Ali al-Harimi, 19, and Jebril Khalil Kawazba, 25, and arrested them.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Beita village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Ayoub Riyad Bani Shamasnah, 23.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF detained ‘Areen Haitham al-Za’aneen, 25, from Wadi al-Juz, while present near al-Asbat Gate area in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City and took him to al-Qishla investigation center. The following evening, IOF released him with a 1-week ban on entry to al-Aqsa Mosque and order to return for investigation. It should be noted that Za’aneen is a paramedic in the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and a former prisoner who was released less than a month ago.
  • At approximately 23:30, IOF moved into al-Sharea al-Jadid area in al-Tur neighborhood, in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Abdul Rahman Eyad al-Hidra’s, 24, house and arrested him.
  • IOF carried out six incursions in Sa’ir and Samu in Hebron governorate; Jenin and Beit Dajan, northeast of Nablus; Jayyous, north of Qalqiliya; and Azun, east of Qalqiliya. No arrests were reported.

Friday, 13 November 2020:

  • At approximately 03:20, IOF moved into Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and detained Mohammed Nahed al-Nadi, 25.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF moved into Jayyous village, northeast of Qaqiliya, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Yazeed Jehad Slim, 21.
  • At approximately 11:43, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of Qaryut village, southeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank. They arrested ‘Aqeel Es’eed ‘Afif Moqbel, 19, from the above-mentioned village, and took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 13:00, IOF detained Mo’ath Abu ‘Arafa, 32, after going out of the Aqsa Mosque in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in al- Qishla police station on the next Sunday.
  • At approximately 14:00, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint on the main street between Nablus and Qalqilia, north of the West Bank. They detained Ra’ed Mohammed Qar’an, 25, from Qalqilia.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of Hableh village, south of Qalqilia, south of the West Bank. They arrested Fahmi Khaled ‘Attal, 17, from the above-mentioned village.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF stationed at al-Zaytouna military checkpoint, east of the occupied East Jerusalem, arrested Omar Hasan Nofal, while passing through the checkpoint. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 18:45, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of Bizzariya village, northwest of Nablus. They detained Waleed Issam Asfour, 26, from Nour Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarem. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out two incursions in Silwad, east of Ramallah governorate; and Salim village, northeast of Nablus. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 14 November 2020:

  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Beit Fajjar village, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Alaa’ Mahmoud Younis Thawabta’s, 19, house and arrested him. At approximately 16:00, IOF stormed the house again and detained his child brother, ‘Ammar, 15.
  • At approximately 12:30, IOF detained one of the Palestinian National Security Forces’ soldiers, Monjed Salama Debis, 23, while passing through a temporary military checkpoint established on the entrance of Beit Jala village. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out five incursions in Burin, southeast of Nablus; Arraba, southwest of Jenin; al- Dhahiriya, Beit Ummar, and Edhna villages in Hebron governorate. No arrests were reported.

Sunday, 15 November 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Hebron, and stationed in Wad al-Hareya area. They raided and searched Anas Hatem Qfaisha’s, 29, house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Hebron’s Old City. They raided and searched Ameer Sa’eed Abu Hadid’s, 34, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 11:00, IOF established a temporary military checkpoint on the road that connected Nablus with villages located to the southeast of Nablus. They arrested Mahmoud Saleem Yamien, 45, from Nablus, and took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out two incursions in Dura and al-Dhahiriya in Hebron governorate. No arrests were reported.

Monday, 16 November 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Wadi Qadum neighborhood in Silwan, southeast the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Obada Nidal Dandis’s, 25, house and arrested him. It should be noted that Obada is a former prisoner who spent 50-months in the Israeli prisons and released in 2018.
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Beit Kahl village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched two houses and arrested Osaid Sabri al-Zuhour, 29, and Izz al-Dein Ibrahim Shihada, 30.
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron and stationed near the UNRWA distribution center. They raided and searched two houses and arrested Basem Haitham al-Badawi, 17, and Waleed Abdul Latif Jawabra, 25.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Sa’ir village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Mousa Shaker Jabarin’s house and arrested his two sons: Wael, 32 and Mohammed, 28.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into al-Tur neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched several houses and arrested three civilians; Haitham Nasim Khwais, 20, Ameer Maher Abu Jom’a, 25, and Fareed Eyad Abu al-Hawa, 19.
  • At approximately 04:30, a group of Mista’arvim (Israeli Special Unit disguised as Palestinians) sneaked into Kobar village, north of Ramallah governorate. They used a white vehicle with a Palestinian registration plate and holding the name of “Brothers Transportation” and stationed at the main roundabout in the center of the village. Meanwhile, 8 Israeli military vehicles stormed to provide protection to the Special Units; they surrounded, raided and searched Mo’taz Mohammed Mahmoud Zibar, 26, and Yehya Hussam al-Barghouthi’s, 32, houses, and kidnapped them.
  • At approximately 06:00, IOF moved into ‘Anata village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested three civilians; Mousa Jamal Salama, 23, Yousef, 21, and his brother Mohammed Mahmoud Hilwa, 24.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF stationed at the entrance of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, arrested Baha’ Bassam al-‘Allami, 18, and Mahmoud Ahmed al-‘Allami, 18, while present near the military watchtower, claiming that they were throwing stones at the tower. IOF took them to the detention center of “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 15:30, IOF stationed at Inab military checkpoint, east of Tulkarem, arrested Samir Raja Ahmed al-Khateeb, 31, from al-Far’a refugee camp, south of Tubas, north of the West Bank. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF stationed at al-Container military checkpoint, arrested Mahmoud Hammad Shraiteh, 43, from Yatta in Hebron governorate, while passing through the checkpoint. He was taken to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF arrested the deputy mayor of al-Izariya village, Mohammed Hasan Mattar, 41, while passing through a military checkpoint on the entrance of the above-mentioned village. IOF took him to an unknown destination.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020:

  • At approximately 02:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Sa’ir, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Khalil Sa’eed al-Faroukh’s, 27, house in the center of the village and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Jaba’ village, south of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Nayef Khalil Khamamera, 38.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Birzeit village, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Ya’ad Abu Ayyash, 21, a student at Birzeit University, and Yousef Mousa Hosha, 57.
  • At approximately 02:35, IOF moved into Deir al-Hatab village, northeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Mahmoud Abdullah al-Namrouti’s, 22, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:45, IOF moved into ‘Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus. They raided and searched Mohammed Ashraf Azmi al-‘Ashibi’s, 19, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:50, IOF moved into al-Masaken al-Sha’biya neighborhood, northeast of Nablus. They raided and searched Mohammed Omar Hashash’s, 21, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF moved into Qaryut village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched Akram Mo’een Johar’s, 19, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into al-Karkafa area in the center of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Abdul Rahim Faraj Salhab’s, 32, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 05:00, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested four civilians; Majd Marwan Dari, 19, Mohammed Emad Dari, 19, Wadea’ Tawfiq Abu al-Hums, 27, and Mahmoud Omar Ghrayyeb, 28.
  • At approximately 08:00, IOF stationed at the Container military checkpoint, north of Bethlehem, arrested Mahmoud Hammad Shraiteh, 21, from al-Karmel area in Yatta, south of Hebron governorate, while heading to Ramallah.
  • At approximately 09:00, IOF stormed and searched one of the stores in Qalandiya refugee camp, north of the occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested Ibrahim, 36, and his brother Abdullah al-Mallah, 30.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF moved into Bab al-Asbat road in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched As’ad Ali ‘Ajaj’s, 44, house and arrested him.
    Ali Ajaj, the detainee’s father, said that he was surprised to see huge numbers of the Israeli soldiers storming his house without knowing the reason. They searched the house and the ID cards of all the people in the house and then took his son, As’ad, to an investigation center. It should be noted that As’ad ‘Ajaj was banned from entering al-Aqsa Mosque for 6 months, and he was detained several times from inside the mosque.
  • At approximately 17:30, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohannad Naser Mahmoud’s, 24, house and arrested him.
    At approximately 20:30, IOF severely beaten and arrested Naseem Harbi Obaid, 23, while present near al-Arba’in Mosque in the center of the ‘Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. He was taken to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out four incursions in Sanur, southeast of Jenin; Yatta and Tarqumiyah villages in Hebron governorate; and al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah governorate. No arrests were reported.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020:

  • At approximately 12:30, IOF moved into Tulkarem, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested three civilians; Yehya Jamal Sowah, 20, Rami Samir Abu Samra, 35, and Abdullah Khader Rasras, 35.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Tulkarem refugee camp, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Adnan Ahmed Khader al-Hosari, 53.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Dheisha refugee camp, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Hamada Mohammed Sarahna, 17, and the policeman in the Palestinian Police Services, Mahmoud Abdul Karim Hamash, 35, and arrested them. It should be noted that Hamash was a former prisoner who spent a year and half under the administrative detention in al-Naqab al-Sahrawi prisons “Ktsi’ot” and released in April 2019.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Tulkarem refugee camp, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mathna Fo’ad Raba’, 24, from Jabal Abu Taqa in Tulkarem.
  • At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Nasib Mohammed Obaid’s, 48, house and arrested his son, Mohammed, 20.
  • At approximately 15:30, IOF stationed at Mavi Dutan military checkpoint, southwest of Jenin, arrested Mahmoud Mohammed Nazzal, 22, from Qabatiya, southeast of Jenin. He was taken to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF stationed at Za’tara military checkpoint, southeast of Nablus, arrested Ala’ Omar Zakarna, 21, from Qabatiya, southeast of Jenin. He was taken to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 16:30, IOF arrested two Palestinians while referring to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem after summonsing them. The arrestees are: Ra’ed Khalil al-‘Amour, 42, and Maher Nabil Tarawa, 29, from Taqu’, east of Bethlehem.
  • IOF carried out three incursions in Sebastia, northwest of Nablus; Ya’bad, southwest of Jenin; and Beit Rima, northwest of Ramallah governorate. No arrests were reported.

III. Settlement Expansion and Settler Violence in the West Bank

a. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property

  • On Thursday morning, 12 November 2020, Israeli municipality bulldozers demolished a house foundation, a retaining wall, and a concrete floor in Beit Jala, under the pretext of building without a license. Hasan Brijiyah, Head of the Popular Anti-Settlement Committee in Bethlehem, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that a number of Israeli bulldozers stormed Beit Jala amid tight security measures and started demolishing foundations of Nicolas Awad’s under-construction house in Beir Ounah neighborhood. IOF also demolished a retaining wall and a concrete land owned by Monther al-Walaji in al-Jadawel area in the center of Beit Jala.
  • At approximately 06:00 on the same Thursday, IOF demolished a house and a number of archeological remains and retaining walls. IOF also leveled an agricultural land in Ein al-Juweizah are, northeast of al-Walaja, northwest of Bethlehem, under the pretext of building without licensing.

    Khader al-A’raj, Head of al-Walaja Village Council, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that an Israeli force accompanied with a bulldozer stormed Ein neighborhood, northeast of the village, and demolished an under-construction house and retaining wall owned by Mohammed Abu al-Haija under the pretext of building without a license. Al-A’raj clarified that IOF demolished Abu al-Haija house that is built on (120sqm) for the third consecutive time. He added that IOF demolished 2 archeological remains, that were previously restored, owned by Abu al-Tin family. IOF also demolished an agricultural road that lead to Khelat al-Hour area; the road is used by farmers to reach their lands.

    For years, al-Walaja village is subjected to recurrent attacks by settlers represented in demolishing dozens of houses and handing demolition and halt the work notifications and leveling lands and retaining wall in favor of settlement expansion. It should be noted that Ein al-Weijah area is one of the areas that are mostly targeted with demolition processes under the pretext of non-licensing as the Israeli municipality in occupied Jerusalem considers the land affiliated to it and it prevent construction in it. Therefore, half of the area residences are threatened to be expelled out of their houses.

  • At approximately 09:00 on Friday 13 November 2020, Israeli authorities started paving a settlement road that is A new settlement road that extends from the Bypass Road (60) through civilians’ lands in Ma’in village, and reaches Avigal settlement established on Palestinian confiscated lands, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. The lands are owned to al-Hamamdah family. IOF imposed severe restrictions on civilians, which prevent them from using or reclaiming it under the pretext of illegal construction in Area (C) as work in it requires a previous permit from the Israeli Civil Administration Office that do not allow civilians to use or retrieve their lands.

    On Friday evening, 13 November 2020, IOF sized an agricultural tractor and forced its owner to leave his land in Tuqu village, east of Bethlehem at gunpoint.
    Tayseer Abu Mefreh, Head of Tuqu Village Council, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that IOF stormed al-Arabiya area, north of the village, and forced Mahmoud Hasan al-Sabbah to leave is land while he was plowing it. IOF confiscated his tractor. Abu Mefreh added that al-Sabbah plows and saws his plant each year and owns the deeds to the land.

  • At approximately 14:30 on Sunday, 15 November 2020, IOF stormed al-Rawq area, east of Kherbat al-Haidiya in Jordan’s northern valleys, southeast of Tubas, north of the West Bank. They confiscated 4 tractors; three of them belong to Jamal Mohammed Qasem Bani Ouda, while the fourth belongs to Yusuf Husein Asmar Basha, both are from the above-mentioned Kherba. IOF confiscated the tractors under the pretext of illegal work in Area (C).
  • On the same Sunday, the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Land Authority issued a call for tenders for construction of 1,257 settlement units in “Givat Hamatos” settlement, which was established on the lands of Beit Safafa village, southern occupied East Jerusalem. These units would connect “Gilo” and “Har Homa” settlements with “Talpiot” settlement.

    The construction of these settlement units would seal off Bethlehem from Beit Safafa village and southern occupied East Jerusalem and will entail further restrictions and obstacles on Palestinians’ freedom of movement and access to their lands.

    It should be noted that “Givat Hamatos” settlement is a neighborhood of temporary housing projects, built on an area of 170 dunums and bordered by “Talpiot” settlement from the north and “Gilo” settlement from the south, and Beit Safafa village from the west. “Givat Hamatos” is considered among the last areas of open lands in Jerusalem that fall adjacent to the 1967 border line; it is a rocky land with few demolished buildings and mostly abandoned trailers.

    Consequently, the Israeli announcement carries greater significance than it shows, it is not merely the creation of new residential units in a settlement as it appears; in fact, it would be the first new Israeli neighborhood to be established on the 1967 border-line in East Jerusalem in the last 20 years.

    The Israeli government had previously conducted such a construction in 1997, when “Har Homa” settlement was first established only two days after signing the first Hebron Protocol with Palestinians. Nowadays, “Har Homa” settlement houses more than 50,000 settlers.

    This Israeli bidding was released 4 days after Israel’s approval to construct 108 settlement units in “Ramat Shlomo” settlement, northern occupied East Jerusalem. With these two bids, Israel is resuming construction in two settlements, where expansion efforts were frozen in 2014 due to international pressures.

    These tenders coincide with escalated IOF demolition and confiscation of Palestinian properties and lands, particularly in Area “C” in the West Bank.

  • At approximately 07:00 on Monday, 16 November 2020, IOF bulldozers demolished an agricultural barracks, a residential house, and a water well in Khelat al-Nahlah area in Artas village, south of Bethlehem under the pretext of non-licensing.

    Hasan Brijiyah, Head of the Popular Anti-Settlement Committee in Bethlehem, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that IOF demolished a house inhabited with 5 individuals and built on an area of (80sqm) owned by Mohammed Romi, who have official document of his property. Brijiyah clarified that the Israeli bulldozers demolished a water well, adjacent to the above-mentioned house and then leveled large areas. He added that Israeli authorities notified Romi three times before demolishing his house. Brijiyah mentioned that IOF also demolished an agricultural barrack owned by Mahmoud Shuweiki before their withdrawal from the area.

    It should be noted that Khelat al-Nahlah area is a high hill where Israeli settlers established their mobile houses for several years and they are secured by an Israeli military force around the clock. Despite that these lands’ owners filed a judicial complaint at the Israeli District Court in Jerusalem, which issued a decision for settlers to evacuate; the Israeli authorities encourage settlers’ existence and protect them for the importance of the area. IOF seek to empty this area from Palestinians and seize it to expand the boundaries of “Efrat” settlement established in the south of Bethlehem and connect it with “Tuqu’” settlement established on the east side of Bethlehem. It should be noted that Khelat al-Nahla area is located between “Efrat” settlement and “Givat Eitam” settlement outpost established in Khelat al-Qutun nearby area.

    Khelat al-Nahla area and Tuqu’ village fall within the Israeli Plan (E2), which is a settlement project aiming at isolating Bethlehem from the southern countryside and from southern West Bank. This isolation can be done by linking “Efrat” settlement with “Tuqu’” settlement by the road of “Givat Eitam” settlement outpost. According to the project, Israeli authorities will seize control of over 1182 dunums as they have already announced building 2500 settlement units in this area to complete isolate Bethlehem from other cities.

  • At approximately 10:00 on Monday, 16 November 2020, IOF accompanied with Civil and Administration vehicle and a bulldozer stormed al-Dowar area, west of Deir Sharaf village, west of Nablus, north of the West Bank. The bulldozer demolished an under-construction facility built on an area of (350sqm) under the pretext of illegal construction in Area (C). The facility, which is a store’s floor and pillars is owned by Fares Montaser Abdul Jabbar Yaseen, from Asira ash-Shamaliya village, north of Nablus.
  • At the same time, IOF demolished a number of industrial facilities at the intersection of ‘Anata village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of building without a license.

    Taha al-Refa’i, Head of Anata village, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that a large Israeli force accompanied with bulldozers stormed Anata village’s main street from the eastern side ad closed the intersection in both sides in front of civilians’ vehicles. They demolished 2 commercial barracks owned by Salem and Adeeb al-Qawasmah, 2 other commercial barracks that includes vegetables stall, a barrack, a fence that surrounds 2-dunum land and includes a shop selling spare parts owned by Mohammed Ibrahim Helwah.

  • On 10 November 2020, Israeli authorities demolished a carwash, a barrack, and a wall in Anata village. The process of demolishing commercial facilities recently is part of IOF’s constant violations against Palestinian civilians and their property in the area. Israeli Construction Supervisory Committee revealed recently that it will issue new tenders within a few weeks for the construction of new settlement units under plan 23185/a. This new settlement project, if implemented, would completely seal off the eastern area of occupied East Jerusalem and would encircle (Anata, At-Tur, Hizma) areas to deny any future expansion possibilities towards the east.
  • At the same time, Mohammed Qanbar and his son Atiyah implemented the Israeli Municipality’s decision and self-demolished their houses under the pretext of building without licensing. Mohammed stated to PCHR that he and his son had to demolish their houses after the Israeli police arrived at the place several times and ordered them to do that or the municipality staff will implement the demolition decision and will force them to pay the demolition costs estimated at NIS 100,000.

    Qanbar clarified that he received a demolition notice 3 months ago and his lawyer managed to delay the demolition process until 10 November 2020, during which the lawyer applied to license the house; however, the municipality did not consider the application. Qanbar pointed out that he and his wife and 2 children lived in the house for 7 years in addition to his son’s family, who lived in a nearby house. Both houses were built on an area of 170sqm.

  • At approximately 10:11, IOF accompanied with Civil Administration vehicle and 2 bulldozers stormed Atouf Palin, east of Tammun village in Jordan’s northern valleys, north of the West Bank. A bulldozer demolished a residential room built of concrete and zingo sheets on an area of (40sqm) owned by Rami Bani Ouda, from Atouf village, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area (C). The same Israeli force stormed Furush Beit Dajan village, adjacent to Jordan’s central valleys. The bulldozer demolished a250-cubic meter water pool owned by Khalousi Abdul Rahim Haj Mohammed, from Furush Beit Dajan village. The pool was built of tin-plates and was funded by the European Union and was present in the land for more than 15 years.
  • At approximately 13:00, IOF backed by a military vehicle and accompanied with Civil Administration vehicle stormed Masafer area in Yatta, south of Hebron. The Civil Administration officer handed 4 military notices with No. 1797 to demolish facilities within 96 hours under the pretext of illegal construction, and they were as follows:

    Jamil Mahmoud al-Amour – bathroom /Tin plates and bricks / Sarourah

    Hatem Mahmoud Makhamrah – Agricultural room /Tin plates and bricks / Al-Mofaqera

    Rasmi Yusuf Abu Ararm – residence /Tin plates and bricks / Al-Rakiz

    Service Council – Water supply system / pipes / Safi al-Fuqa

    It should be noted that IOF based this demolition on Military Order No. 1797 of 2018, which allows the “building inspector” at the Israeli Civil Administration, to issue a demolition/removal order on any construction that is not completed within 6 months, or has been occupied for less than 30 days after the inspector’s visit. This type of notices deprives Palestinians of their right to defend their houses and facilities, as the High Court of Israel refuses any petitions made to freeze or cancel such notices. Furthermore, demolition notices based on Military Order No. 1797 deprive citizens from applying for licensing their targeted buildings.

  • At approximately 13:50, IOF stormed Atouf Plain, east of Tammun village, southeast of Tubas in Jjordan’s northern valleys, north of the West bank. IOF confiscated a digger owned by Ayman Rabah Gharib Bani Ouda, from Tammun village. Ayman was paving an agricultural road in favor of the village council. IOF confiscated the digger under the pretext of illegal construction in Area (C).
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF accompanied with Civil Administration vehicle, a number of staffs, and a bulldozer stormed Kherbat al-Farsiya, east of Tubas in Jordan’s northern valleys, north of the West Bank. The staff dismantled a residential barracks roofed with tin-plates and steel pillars on an area of 40sqm in addition to a bathroom and confiscated them. IOF also confiscated a 2cubic-meter water tank funded by “ACTED” organization. IOF claimed that the demolition of the water tank and barracks owned by Radad Hamed Rezeq Daraghmah, from Kherbat al-Faresiya, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area (C).
  • The same Israeli force stormed Um al-Jamal village in the northern Jordan valley, as the staff started to dismantle an arbor built of steel and shader sheets built by activists to protect children and civilians from rains. IOF claimed that the demolition was due to illegal construction in Area (C).

b. Israeli Settlers’ Attacks

  • At approximately 20:00 on Friday, 13 November 2020, a group of settlers from “”Sons of Hills” group moved from the Israeli new settlement outpost established east of At-Tayba village, northeast of Ramallah, and attacked Ka’abna Bedouin Community in the village’s outskirts. The settler sneaked into the livestock barrack and stole about 20 sheep, owned by Farah Ibrahim al-Ka’abna. After that settlers returned to the settlement outpost.

    It should be noted that settlers, who called themselves “Sons of Hills” established the settlement outpost in 2019 on Palestinians’ lands, east of al-Tyba village, on an area of 9 dunums. The settlement is about 200 meters far away from “Rimonim” settlement established on the village lands.

  • At approximately 13:30 on Wednesday, 18 November 2020, a settler from “Ramat Yishai” settlement outpost established on Palestinians’ confiscated lands in Tal al-Ramidiyah neighborhood in the center of Hebron, attacked Haitham Tayseer Abu Aishah, 15, and punched him on his face while Haitham was on his way home with his father. When Haitham’s father attempted to move the settler away from his son, an Israeli soldier approached him and punched on his back, so, he fell on the ground. After that, Israeli back-ups arrived at the area as Haitham returned home with his father. Later on, Abu Aishah filed a complaint at the Israeli police.