The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has reported that Israeli soldiers have kidnapped, Thursday, 18 Palestinians, from their homes, in different parts of the occupied West Bank.

The Hebron office of the PPS, in the southern part of the West Bank, the soldiers searched many homes and abducted five Palestinians, identified as Mohammad Yasser Qawasmi, Abdul-Rahman Osama Dweik, Ra’fat Mosallam Abu Qbeita, Nasri Sabarna, 58, and his son Roshdi, 22.

The PPS added that the soldiers also abducted Ahmad, 24, the son of Mohammad Sabarna, in Etzion military base and security center, north of Hebron, after summoning him for interrogation.       

In Tulkarem, in the northern part of the West Bank, the soldiers abducted Husam Khaled Tammam, 32, Abdul-Fattah Fayez Qaddoumi, 32, and Aseed Marwan Qouzah, 22.                          

In Jenin, in the northern part of the West Bank, the soldiers abducted Emad Abu al-Haija, Jamil Awwad and Abdullah Salah.

In Nablus, also in the northern part of the West Bank, the soldiers abducted Bassam Sharif, Mohammad Abu Hazza’ and Osama Abu Hazza’.                                                                                     

In Qalqilia, in the northern part of the West Bank, the soldiers abducted two Palestinians, identified as Amjad Sa’id Qar’an and former political prisoner, Ali Hasan Shreim, 29, who was previously imprisoned by Israel for four years.                                                                                       

One Palestinian, identified as Amir Jaffal, was abducted from his home in Abu Dis town, southeast of occupied Jerusalem.