The Ramallah-based Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) stated, on Tuesday, that Israeli troops abducted ten Palestinian residents from the occupied West Bank, late Monday, early Tuesday.

In a statement, issued Tuesday, the PPS added that among those abducted were five youths in the central West Bank city of East Jerusalem, identified as Abd al-Rahman, Hatim al-Bashiti, Amir al-Maliki, Mustafa Abu Sneina and Suhaib Abu Saleh.

The PPS also noted that Israeli soldiers abducted Hamada Hassan al-Khatib, 30 and his brother Omar, 24, from Hizma town in the Jerusalem district.

In the central West Bank district of Bethlehem, Israeli forces abducted Anas Awni Abu Balha, 25, from Aida refugee camp. From Burqin village, Abdullah Hassan Subuh was detained in front of a military roadblock, in addition to Dhafer Sami Zaqzouq of the Al-Jadida village.

According to Alray, the home of Anas Abu Balha was invaded and ransacked by Israeli forces, as was the homes of Hamada and Omar al-Khatib.

The Palestinian Information Center reported that Israeli soldiers ransacked a bakery in the Old City of Jerusalem, and abducted another young man, identified as Jihad Abu Subaih.

~ PPS, Alray, PIC