Israeli occupation forces, on Saturday, served Sheikh Ikrima Sabri’ with an order of expulsion, from Al-Aqsa Mosque, for four months, after raiding his home.

Eyewitness added that the order required him to appear for interrogation on Sunday.

Last Sunday, the duration of the order was to last for seven days, but he refused the order and performed Friday prayer in the mosque.

It is not the first time that Israeli occupation police expelled Sheikh Sabri from Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al Ray reports.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned the order, considering it the most recent example of the policy of oppression, injustice, and intimidation practiced by Israel towards Palestine.

Spokesperson for the Turkish foreign ministry, Hamee Aqsawee, said that this step is but a part of long-term Israeli plans to change the legal status of Jerusalem, noting the continued arrest of Palestinian Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, Fadi Al-Hudmi, for three times in 7 months.

He stressed that such fascist practices, which cannot be seen even in dictatorial regimes, clearly show the true face of the Israeli government.