Israeli soldiers abducted, on Monday at dawn, at least eight Palestinians from their homes, in several parts of the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported.

The PPS said the soldiers invaded and ransacked homes in the al-Jalazonerefugee camp, north of Ramallah, and abducted Othman Nakhla, 40, in addition to Taha Zeitoun, from al-Tira neighborhood.

The soldiers also invaded Ni’lin town, west of Ramallah, searched homes and abducted Ahmad Younis ‘Amira, the father of Yousef, 17, who was killed by Israeli army fire on August 4, 2008.

In occupied Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Malek Abu Sneina, Emadeddin Abu Sneina, and Jadallah Rajabi, who was also repeatedly assaulted and suffered various cuts and bruises before he was taken prisoner.

In Qalqilia, in northern West Bank, the soldiers abducted one Palestinian, identified as Mohammad Sweilem, 30, from his home.

In Hebron, in southern West Bank, the soldiers abducted Saber Issa Zama’ra, from his home in Halhoul town, north of the city.