Israeli soldiers invaded, Tuesday, Kisan Palestinian village, east of Bethlehem south of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank, and demolished several barns. The army also delivered orders for the demolition of residential sheds near Hebron.

Ahmad Ghazal, the deputy mayor of Kisan, said several army vehicles and bulldozers invaded the village after surrounding and isolating it.

Ghazal added that the soldiers demolished several barns owned by Hussein Abdullah Obeyyat and Taleb Mousa Ghazal.

The army claims the barns, built on private Palestinian lands, were installed without a permit from the so-called Civil Administration Office, the administrative branch of Israel’s illegal occupation. The barns were legally licensed by the Local Council of the town.

In related news, the soldiers invaded Shu’ab al-Batn village, east of Yatta town, south of the southern West bank city of Hebron, and delivered orders from the demolition of four residential sheds, owned by Othman Mohammad Jabarin, Khaled Khalil Jabarin and Mohammad Yousef Jabarin.

The sheds provide shelter for more than twenty Palestinians, including children, and are being targeted because Israel is trying to expand the illegal Avigal colony, which was built on private Palestinian lands in direct violation of International Law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Rateb Jabour, the coordinator of the Wall & Colonization Resistance Commission in southern West Bank, called on various international legal and human rights groups to intervene, and put an end to Israel’s escalation against the Palestinians and their property.

Jabour added that the families in the village, as well as many communities in the area, depend on raising cattle as their only source of livelihood.