On Monday, Israeli soldiers shot a young man and abducted a Palestinian husband and his wife, in Tammoun town, south of Tubas in the occupied West Bank’s northeastern part.

Undercover Israeli soldiers, driving a car with Palestinian license plates, infiltrated the town through the Atouf gate area to the east, before several military vehicles invaded it.

The soldiers then stormed and searched homes and deployed sharpshooters on rooftops in several parts of the town.

Kamal Bani Odah, the head of the Tubas office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said the soldiers surrounded the home of Mohammad Ali Bisharat, and demanded his son, Omar, to step out to abduct him.

Bani Odah added that the soldiers stormed and ransacked the home, and abducted the father, Mohammad, and the mother, when they realized their son was not at home, to pressure them into turning himself in to the army.

Mohammad’s sister, Raeda Bisharat, said the soldiers stormed the home at dawn and abducted the mother as she was praying.

She added that the soldiers violently searched the property, causing damage to the furniture, and used portable metal detection tools to search her brother and his wife.

It is worth mentioning that the army has been looking for Omar for the last several months, and has repeatedly stormed his family’s home and ransacked it, in addition to frequently interrogating the family.

The sister also said that the Palestinian security forces have also been wanting to detain her nephew.

Many Palestinians protested the invasion and the abduction before the soldiers fired live rounds and gas bombs.

Medical sources said a young man suffered shrapnel wounds from live rounds in the leg.