On Tuesday, dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded Anata town, north of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank, and took measurements of a Palestinian home in preparation for demolishing it; the army claims a child from the family attempted a stabbing attack against the soldiers, in February, before he was shot and injured.

The soldiers invaded the family home of Mohammad Bassel Zilbani and ransacked the property before taking measurements of the property in preparation for demolishing it in an illegal act of collective punishment that violates International Law and all related treaties.

The child was shot and injured on February 23 after he reportedly tried to stab a soldier at the Shu’fat military roadblock north of occupied Jerusalem.

After the alleged stabbing incident, the soldiers stormed and ransacked the child’s family home, causing serious damage, and abducted his parents, Bassel Zilbani and Fida Zilbani.

During the alleged stabbing attack, one Israeli police officer, Staff Sgt. Asil Faour Sawaed, 22, was shot and seriously injured by friendly fire and succumbed to his wounds.