Israeli forces injured a Palestinian citizen, at midnight Wednesday/Thursday, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, after hurling a concussion grenade into his vehicle.

The citizen, Mohammad Tayseer Jabr told the WAFA News Agency that occupation forces, stationed in the southern part of Hebron city, opened fire towards his vehicle with live ammunition.

Jabr added that soldiers stopped and searched his vehicle, allowed him to leave, and then hurled a concussion grenade into the man’s vehicle.

The grenade exploded and smoke could be seen escaping from the windows, causing the man to suffer inhalation injuries; he was transported to hospital for treatment.

Media sources said that the explosion caused major damage to the interior of the vehicle.

On Wednesday night, Israeli forces abducted a Palestinian young man from Tubas when he tried to pass through a military roadblock near Nablus, in the northern West Bank.

According to Kamal Bani Odeh, the director of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) in Tubas, occupation forces abducted Ziad Ghassan Daraghmeh, 19, when he attempted to pass through a military roadblock, south of Nablus.

Also on Wednesday night, Israeli forces stormed the village of Burqa, east of Ramallah in the central West Bank, sparking protests among Palestinian youths.

Media sources said that soldiers opened fire with live rounds, concussion grenades, and tear gas canisters at citizens.

The Arab 48 news website reported that several citizens suffered the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation during the military incursion.

The same source quoted the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) who reported that their ambulance crews treated a 17-year-old who sustained a shrapnel wound from live ammunition in the town of Kafr ‘Aqab, north of occupied Jerusalem.