Three Palestinian detainees, held by Israel under arbitrary Administrative Detention orders without charges or trial, are ongoing with a hunger strike they started twelve days ago.

The detainees are Anas Ibrahim Shadeed, 26, Abdullah Mohammad Obeido, 36, and a lawyer, Mahmoud Abdul-Halim Talahma, 32.

The Palestinian Detainees And Ex-Detainees Committee said Shadeed is a former political prisoner who was abducted and imprisoned three times, spending three years under the same arbitrary Administrative Detention orders.

The Committee added that Shadeed previously held two hunger strikes, one lasting 90 days in 2016 and the second for 25 days.

He was recently slapped with an Administrative Detention order for six months before his lawyer appealed the decision, but an Israeli court denied the appeal.

The Committee stated that detainee Talahma, a lawyer and a former political prisoner whom Israel imprisoned for two and a half years, was abducted on March 22, 2023, and was slapped with a 6-month Administrative Detention order which was appealed, but the appeal was also denied.

The married father of two children was subjected to extended interrogation and torture before he was slapped with the Administrative Detention order.

The third detainee, Obeido, is also a former political prisoner imprisoned by Israel for five and a half years, mostly under the Administrative Detention order.

The married father of five children was abducted in Mar of 2023 before he was slapped with a four-month Administrative Detention order.

It is worth mentioning that this year witnessed a serious increase in the issuing of Administrative Detention orders, holding the detainees captive without the right to trial or indictment.

The current number of Administrative Detainees in Israeli prisons is 1083, including three women and nineteen children.

Israel is holding captive at least 5000 detainees, including 160 children and 31 women, in addition to 1083 held under Administrative Detention orders, the Ad-Dameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association said.