On Tuesday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded the Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus in the occupied West Bank’s northern part, injured two children, and abducted eight young men from the refugee camp, and five from Nablus city.

Media sources said a large military force invaded the refugee camp after surrounding and isolating it, before the soldiers began extensive and violent searches of homes, causing serious property damage.

The sources added that many Palestinians protested the invasion before the soldiers fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades at the protesters and many surrounding homes.

Medical sources said two children suffered wounds from live rounds’ fragments, and added that one was injured in the head and the other was injured in the arm.

Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) medics rushed to the area, but the soldiers stopped them and took the keys of one of the ambulances after detaining the medics and confiscating their telecommunications tools.

The soldiers also abducted Tha’er Harb, Raed Sawalma, Jaber Oweiss, Ahmad Abu Leil, Dia’ Abdul-‘Al, Ibrahim Abu Aziz, Mohammad Abu Aziz, and Omar Abu Dhara’, from their homes.

In addition, the soldiers invaded the Al-Ma’ajeen and the Al-Makhfiyya neighborhoods in  Nablus city, before storming into and ransacking many homes, in addition to abducting a young man, Kamel Abu Zanat and Majd Abu Sharar, from the Tal Street area, in addition to Amer Al-Masry, Mahdi Abu Al-Adas, and Mujahid Othman Diab, from the city.

Furthermore, the soldiers invaded Beita town, south of Nablus, before breaking into and searching several homes.

Many Palestinians protesting the invasion before the soldiers fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

Medical sources said several Palestinians were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation in the town.

First published on June 25 at 9:13 am
Updated on June 25 at 11:45 pm