Israeli forces, on Thursday, carried out invasions and violent searches in several Palestinian cities, which lead to confrontations between soldiers and Palestinian youth.

The most intense of these confrontations took place in Nablus, where soldiers stormed a building in the Rafidia neighborhood. Soldiers fired sound and tear gas canisters, while young Palestinians responded by throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at soldiers who stormed the city.  Four of the youth were detained.

Protests also broke out in the town of Betunia, west of Ramallah, before heading towards al-Tira neighborhood.

Confrontations also occurred in the ‘Ayn Misbah neighborhood, as well, where Israeli soldiers fired live ammunition and gas bombs.

In Bethlehem, Israeli occupation forces stormed Deheishe refugee camp, to the south, where they detained one youth, leading to further violence.

According to local PNN sources and eyewitnesses, at least six civilians were wounded, including two with live bullets.

Meanwhile, in the Hebron governorate, hundreds of settlers stormed an archaeological site in the area of ​​Bir al-Ramah, where they carried out Talmudic rituals.

In Qalqilia, Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Kafr Laqif.