A number of students, on Monday, suffered from suffocation due to inhaling tear gas fired at them by Israeli forces, near their school in al-Lubban, to the north of Nablus in the West Bank, according to Ghassan Dughlas, who monitors settlements’ activities in the northern West Bank.

He said that Israeli soldiers fired tear gas and stun canisters toward the school, which resulted in suffocation cases.

He said, according to WAFA, that Israeli forces target this school and students on an almost daily basis.

PNN additionally reported that a number of students were injured on Monday morning, during confrontations which occurred with Israeli occupation forces in the vicinity of Al-Quds University, in the town of Abu Dis.

Soldiers prevented students from reaching the university, schools and the municipality by closing the university road in conjunction with the apartheid wall, which separates the town from Jerusalem.

The university has announced that it has been suspended due to the closure of the West Bank.

The University, in a statement, said that due to the conditions in the vicinity of the campus the campus, and the inability of buses and public transport to the campus, classes will be suspended.