Image of Liverpool protest by @PalForumUk

On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets in cities around the world to condemn the ongoing Israeli aggression against the 2.2 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and calling for an end to the Israeli military occupation.

Thousands participated in demonstrations organized in the French capital, Paris, the Austrian capital, Vienna, the Swedish city of Uppsala and the capital, Stockholm, the Italian city of Milan, the Dutch city of Maastricht, the British city of Liverpool, the Danish city of Odense and the capital, Copenhagen, the Finnish city of Helsinki, the German city of Hamburg and Freiburg, and the capital, Berlin, in support of the Palestinian people, and to demand a ceasefire and the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

Tens of thousands marched in Liverpool England, demanding an end to UK military support for Israel. The protest, timed with Labour’s annual conference, urged the party to oppose the Gaza genocide and criticized its recent UN voting record.

The participants in the demonstrations raised Palestinian flags and banners denouncing the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.

Participants called for an end to double standards and the need to prosecute the occupation for its massacres against the Palestinian people, especially children, and denounced the genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian community in the German city of Bremen also organized a massive march condemning the continued aggression and massacres of the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem, with the participation of members of the Arab and Muslim communities, European solidarity activists, and representatives of German political parties.

The demonstration was attended by Detlef Grishi, former member of parliament for the German Social Democratic Party and honorary president of the German-Palestinian Association.

The participants in the march, which took place on the city’s main street, raised the Palestinian and Lebanese flags, and banners expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and denouncing the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation army against the people of the Gaza Strip.

The head of the Palestinian community in the city of Bremen and its suburbs, Samer Bilal Aslan, said that the world and the international community reject the occupation and the crimes of genocide committed against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, and are fully aware that this occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal.

In turn, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg said during a demonstration in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, that the genocide committed by Israel in Palestine is extremely horrific, and silence towards it means “complicity .”

She stressed that “the genocide committed by Israel in Palestine is extremely horrific, and is being committed live on air .”

“I don’t understand how people can watch this genocide happening live and go about their daily lives without caring,” she added. “I think everyone who has the power to take action should raise their voices and do everything they can to stop it.”