Closure Unnoticed by Palestinians
Palestinian territories during the Jewish holidays. A full closureIMEMC Staff, September 29, 2003 Israeli security forces lifted Monday morning the closure imposed on Palestinian territories during the Jewish holidays. A…
`“Controversial` Section of Wall Near Ariel On Hold
construction of the separation wall near the Ariel settlement, anIMEMC & Agencies, September 29, 2003 The Israeli cabinet will convene on Wednesday to discuss the construction of the separation wall…
Marwan Barghouti Refuses Closing Arguments
for his closing arguments to discuss the political agreementsIMEMC Staff & Agencies, September 29, 2003 In protest of his trial, Marwan Barghouti utilized his allotted time for his closing arguments…
Qureia’s Cabinet Finalized, Nasser Yousif for Interior,
After a three hour meeting in Ramallah, the Fatah Central CommitteeDahlan Out IMEMC Staff & Agencies, September 28, 2003 After a three hour meeting in Ramallah, the Fatah Central Committee…
If Palestinian Independence is Threatened, We Are All
Jerusalem — In the presidential and parliamentary elections that took place in 1996, I remember clearly my pride in participating in those first-ever Palestinian elections. US President Carter and others…
Two Israelis Killed in a Military Attack near Hebron
Negohot, southwest of the Palestinian West Bank city of Hebron andIMEMC & Agencies, September 27, 2003 Armed Palestinian infiltrated Friday night the settlement of Negohot, southwest of the Palestinian West…
Quartet Moves Closer to U.S. Position, Calls PA to Quell Violence,
At the end of their meeting in New York on Friday, representativesIsrael to Freeze Settlements Ghassan Andoni, IMEMC, September 27, 2003 At the end of their meeting in New York…
9 Pilots Grounded, Heated Discussions About IAF Refuseniks
Thursday it would discuss next week a letter signed by 27 reserveIMEMC & Agencies, September 26, 2003 The Israeli Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee said Thursday it would discuss…
Attacks in Gaza and Hebron Set the Region on a Dangerous Track
others were wounded to varying degrees in the Israeli operation inIMEMC & Agencies, September 26, 2003 An Israeli army source revealed that one soldier was killed and six others were…
Israel to Consult With US Before Removing Arafat
Arafat. The crisis around Arafat is expected to be discussed inIMEMC & Agencies, September 26, 2003 9:04 Israel promised to consult with the US before taking action against Arafat. The…
Israeli Troops Resume Operation in Gaza, 2 Palestinians Killed, 5
According to a Palestinian source, Israeli troops entered BureijSoldiers Wounded IMEMC & Agencies, September 25, 2003 According to a Palestinian source, Israeli troops entered Bureij refugee camp on Thursday in…
Israeli Troops Broke into and Searched a UNRWA Hospital in Qalqilyah
center of the West Bank city of Qalqyliah. Palestinian sourcesAbdul Hafiz, IMEMC, September 25, 2003 On Wednesday, Israeli troops broke into the UNRWA hospital in the center of the West…
IAF Head: Pilots, Refusing Orders, Will Have to Face the Law
head of the IAF Major General Dan Halutz declaring that they refuseIMEMC & Agencies, September 25, 2003 A group of 27 Israeli reserve duty pilots have sent a letter to…
House Demolition Committed with Family Inside
refugee camp in the border area between the Gaza Strip and Egypt,IMEMC & Agencies, September 25, 2003 Majid Abu Taqia sits above his house, now a heap of rocks, in…
Palestinian Rejection for Bush’s Call to Follow the Iraqi Example
rejected the US President’s statement that calls the PalestinianRashid Hilal , September 24, 2003 Dr. Saeb Erekat, chair of the negotiation department in the PA, rejected the US President’s statement…
Prisoners Swap to 400, No Agreement on Barghouti
of a prisoner exchange with the Lebanese Hizbullah, PalestinianIMEMC & Agencies, September 24, 2003 Israel has agreed to release about 400 prisoners next week as part of a prisoner exchange…
Immigrant Brigades a Financial Front
of claims about the Brigades that have surfaced in recent newsTim Covi & Johannes Wahlstrom, IMEMC, September 24, 2003 A former Immigrant Brigade participant on Thursday rebuked a series of…
Qureia: All Factions Agree to End the `“Weapons Chaos` in PA Areas
the principles and the guidelines of his government with allRashid Hilal, IMEMC, September 23, 2003 Qureia said Monday that he will continue an open dialogue regarding the principles and the…
Likud, Labor Leaders Agree That Sharon’s Comments Were not an
Likud officials said Monday that they do not think that ArielInvitation to Labor to Join Government IMEMC & Agencies, September 23, 2003 13:02 Likud officials said Monday that they do…
From the Nakbah to the Intifada: Refugees Twice Displaced
The repeated and massive scenes of home destructions in Palestinian West Bank refugee camps brings back the memories the what Palestinians call the Nakbah, or catastrophe, of 1948, when around…
Israeli Dissident Seeks Political Refuge in Norway
Igor Zhemajlov, one of the leading figures of the anti-Zionist Slavic Union, was last week forced into political exile. The political movement was formed last year with its base in…
Qureia Calls for a United Palestinian Front
of Palestinian resistance groups and political factions during aIMEMC & Agencies, September 22, 2003 Palestinian prime minister-designate Ahmed Qureia told the leaders of Palestinian resistance groups and political factions during…
Sharon Dismissed Request to Re-debate Removal of Arafat
(Shinui party) to re-debate the security cabinet decision and saidIMEMC & Agencies, September 22, 2003 Sharon rejected the request of his Interior Minister Avraham Poraz (Shinui party) to re-debate the…
Remote Weaponry to be Deployed at Separation Wall
that the separation wall as currently under construction wouldIMEMC & Agencies, September 22, 2003 According to various publications, Israeli security forces revealed that the separation wall as currently under construction…
Sharon, Peres, Exchange Compliments, As Crisis with Shinui Party
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exchanged flattering commentsMounts up IMEMC & Agencies, September 22, 2003 19:43 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exchanged flattering comments with Shimon Peres during Peres’ 80th…
U.S. Will Back PA Economically, Won’t Politically Back a Cabinet Run
According to the Israeli Newspaper Haaretz, the head of the Americanby Arafat IMEMC & Agencies, September 21, 2003 According to the Israeli Newspaper Haaretz, the head of the American delegation…
Peace Now Starts ‘Street Campaign’ Calling to End Sharon’s Regime
square in Tel Aviv, marking the first step of what Peace NowIMEMC & Agencies, September 21, 2003 Around 6000 Israeli protesters gathered Saturday night at Rabin square in Tel Aviv,…
Israeli Troops in Jenin for the Second Day
Jenin for the second day today. Soldiers searched homes andIMEMC & Agencies, September 20, 2003 9:18 Israeli troops continued operations inside the West Bank city of Jenin for the second…
UN General Assembly Demands Israel Not to Remove Arafat
to adopt a resolution demanding that bIsrael not remove or harmIMEMC & Agencies, September 20, 2003 9:31 The UN General Assembly on Friday voted 133-4, with 15 abstentions, to adopt…
Sharon Backs Mofaz’s Proposal to Delay the Separation Wall Route
In a meeting with Likud Ministers Friday, Israeli Prime MinisterAround Ariel IMEMC & Agencies, September 20, 2003 9:24 In a meeting with Likud Ministers Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon…
Group of Reserve Israeli Pilots to Refuse Executing Liquidation
A group of reserve pilots in the Israeli air force are planning toOrders IMEMC, September 19, 2003 A group of reserve pilots in the Israeli air force are planning to…
Bush Accuses Arafat for Failure of Peace Efforts
American President George Bush lashed at Palestinian PresidentImemc, September 19, 2003 9:19 In a joint press conference with the King of Jordan Abdullah II, American President George Bush lashed at…
Exchange of Fire, 4 Injuries in Riots in Gaza After Police Arrest
Hamas supporters took the streets of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhoodHamas Members IMEMC Staff, September 19, 2003 Hamas supporters took the streets of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza city, throwing…
Qureia’s Government to be Announced Next Week, Includes Hamas
The new Palestinian cabinet will be appointed in coordinationSupporter IMEMC & Agencies, September 19, 2003 The new Palestinian cabinet will be appointed in coordination between Palestinian president Yasser Arafat and…
PA: UN Veto Shows U.S. Turning its Back on Road Map
resolution submitted to the UN Security Council demanding Israel notIMEMC & Agencies, September 18, 2003 Palestinian officials condemned the United States for vetoing the resolution submitted to the UN Security…
Hezbollah Leader: Prisoners Swap Will Definitely Include
Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said Wednesday that aPalestinians IMEMC & Agencies, September 18, 2003 Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said Wednesday that a possible swap of prisoners with Israel…
Israeli Settlers Convicted for Attempted Terror Attack of
Three settlers from the Israeli settlement of Bat Ayin in the WestPalestinian School IMEMC & Agencies, September 18, 2003 Three settlers from the Israeli settlement of Bat Ayin in the…
An Al-Qassam Brigades’ operative assasinated in Gaza Strip. Another
The Israeli forces assassinated one of Al-Qassam brigade’sPalestinian killed in an invasion South of the Strip Agencies & IMEMC, September 18, 2003 17:06 The Israeli forces assassinated one of Al-Qassam…
Israeli Military Official: Deporting Arafat is a Matter of How Not
An Israeli senior military source said Wednesday that a move againstIf IMEMC Staff, September 18, 2003 An Israeli senior military source said Wednesday that a move against Arafat is “a…
Erekat: Hope Israel Would Not Use the American Veto as a License To
The United States vetoed Tuesday a UN Security Council resolutionKill Arafat IMEMC & Agencies, September 17, 2003 The United States vetoed Tuesday a UN Security Council resolution submitted by Arab…
New report describes maltreatment of Palestinian prisoners in
A study conducted by the Palestinian Prisoners Society states thatinfamous Al-Naqab prison. Amin Abu Wardeh, IMEMC, September 17, 2003 A study conducted by the Palestinian Prisoners Society states that there…
Sharon Postpones Cabinet Debate over Separation wall
scheduled for Wednesday in which the government was to approve theIMEMC & Agencies, September 17, 2003 10:55 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon postponed a cabinet meeting scheduled for Wednesday in…
Military Concentrates Force in Nablus
killed in a clash between Palestinians and Israeli military andMo’ath Shreideh, IMEMC, September 17, 2003 Early Wednesday morning an Al-Aqsa martyrs brigades activist was killed in a clash between Palestinians…
Solana: Killing Arafat is beyond Imagination
he could not imagine that Israel would try to kill PalestinianIMEMC & Agencies, September 16, 2003 European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana said Monday that he could not imagine…
Possible American Veto Puts Resolution Vote on Hold
on the resolution submitted by Arab states demanding Israel to notIMEMC & Agencies, September 16, 2003 To avoid a likely US veto, the UN Security Council delayed the vote on…
Israel Dismisses a PA Proposal for an Open Ended Cease-fire
open-ended cease-fire, saying that it failed in the past and thatIMEMC Staff & Agencies, September 16, 2003 Israeli officials dismissed a PA proposal Monday for a mutual, open-ended cease-fire, saying…
Missile Attack Targets Al-Quds Leader in Hebron
wing of Islamic Jihad was killed Monday morning by Israeli missilesIMEMC Staff, September 16, 2003 Majed Abu Doush, a Saraya Al-Quds field commander in the military wing of Islamic Jihad…
Security Council Focus Meeting Becomes Stage for Broader Resolution
envoy to the Middle East, Terje Roed-Larsen, criticized Israel,IMEMC Staff, September 16, 2003 In his speech before the Security Council on Tuesday, United Nations envoy to the Middle East, Terje…
Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian Child near Qalandiah Check Post
Qalandiah military checkpoint, near Atarot airport at the northern Israeli troops shot dead Sunday evening a Palestinian child at Qalandiah military checkpoint, near Atarot airport at the northern edge of…
Egypt Would Resume Truce Efforts
groups to accept a cease-fire with Israel.IMEMC & Agencies, September 15, 2003 Egypt will soon resume efforts to convince Palestinian resistance groups to accept a cease-fire with Israel. Osama El-Baz,…
Israeli PM Deputy: Killing Arfat Is One Of The Options
Sunday that “killing Arafat is definitely one of the options.’IMEMC & Agencies, September 15, 2003 10:21 Ehud Olmert, Deputy of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Sunday that “killing Arafat…
U.S. Expected to Abstain From Security Council Vote to Forbid Israel
The United Nations Security Council is set to vote Monday on ato Expel Arafat IMEMC & Agencies, September 15, 2003 10:16 The United Nations Security Council is set to vote…
Special Forces arrest Al-Aqsa martyrs brigades’ activist in Nablus
form Al-Yasmeeneh area, suburb of Nablus city, wanted by the IsraeliMo’ath Shreideh, IMEMC, September 15, 2003 Special Israeli forces arrested Sunday afternoon Bashar Tabila (37), form Al-Yasmeeneh area, suburb of…
Qalqilia invaded, curfew imposed, Raid and Arrest campaigns
city, north of the West Bank, and imposed a very strict curfew. AAbdul Hafez, IMEMC, September 15, 2003 in the early hours of today, Monday, Israeli forces invaded Qalqilia city,…
The Palestinian New Cabinet will be formed next week. Qure’i is
Fatah executive committee memebr, Hani Al-Hassan said, Fatah willconducting a wide range consultation Rashid Hilal, IMEMC, September 15, 2003 Fatah executive committee memebr, Hani Al-Hassan said, Fatah will adopt Qure’i’s…
Israeli Troops Arrest 3 Palestinians near Jenin
the West bank city of Jenin, searched homes, and arrested 3Ali Samoudi – IMEMC Israeli troops surrounded Saturday evening the village of Jaba near the West bank city of Jenin,…
Army Bulldozers Level to Ground 7 Homes in Rafah
ground Sunday early morning hours 7 Palestinian homes and damaged 7IMEMC & Agencies Israeli army bulldozers, accompanied with tanks and APCs leveled to ground Sunday early morning hours 7 Palestinian…
PLC Cancels the Session Designated to Discuss Qurei’s Appointment
Palestinian Legislative Council canceled a meeting that wasfor PM IMEMC & Agencies Palestinian Legislative Council canceled a meeting that was scheduled on Sunday to discuss the appointment of Ahmed Qurei…
Israel Prepares To Remove Arafat in Stages
its threats to exile Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, claimingIMEMC & Agencies Israel rejected Saturday a UN security council warning not implement its threats to exile Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, claiming…
‘Ureikat: Israel ignores the Palestinian authority
‘Ahmmad ‘Abd Ar-rahman, the adviser of the foreign affairs, ensuredSheikh: the Israeli threats should be taken seriously Mou’ath Sharida, IMEMC, September 13, 2003 17:29 ‘Ahmmad ‘Abd Ar-rahman, the adviser of…
Labor MK Abraham Bourg: Israel Shares Responsibility to Terror
Sharon and the decision of his security government to expelSpecial IMEMC, September 13, 2003 Israeli Labor MK lashed Friday at Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the decision of his…
Israeli Police Storm Alaqsa Yard, Clash With Demonstrators
compound and fired tear gas and stun grenades at demonstrators whoIMEMC & Agencies, September 13, 2003 Israeli police stormed Friday afternoon the yard of Al-Aqsa mosque compound and fired tear…
Ignoring U.S. Opposition, Israeli DM Will Submit Separation Wall
Israeli defense Minister Shaul Mofaz will ask the cabinet, in itsPlans for Cabinet Approval IMEMC & Agencies, September 13, 2003 Israeli defense Minister Shaul Mofaz will ask the cabinet, in…
Arafat Met Foreign Diplomats, Briefed Them on Recent Developments
consulates and representatives and briefed them on the dangerousRashid Hilal, IMEMC, September 13, 2003 12:34 Arafat Met Saturday Morning in his office in Ramallah with Foreign consulates and representatives and…
UN Security Council Warns Israel against Expelling Arafat
the Israeli Cabinet decision to expel Palestinian President YasserIMEMC & Agencies, September 13, 2003 9:47 The UN Security Council warned Israel Friday against implementing the Israeli Cabinet decision to expel…
Israeli forces kill an aged Palestinian in Nablus; Invasion of the
Fathi Mahmoud Al-Bulbul, 82 years old, from the old city of Nablus,old city Mo’ath Shreideh, IMEMC, September 13, 2003 17:40 Fathi Mahmoud Al-Bulbul, 82 years old, from the old city…
Qurei Halts Efforts to Form Government
president Yasser Arafat, designated Palestinian Prime minister AhmedIMEMC, 9:16 Following the Israeli security cabinet decision to expel Palestinian president Yasser Arafat, designated Palestinian Prime minister Ahmed Qurei said that he…
The expulsion of Arafat
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat became the focal point of theGhassan Andoni, September 12, 2003 – Analysis After being treated as irrelevant for long, in less than a week, Palestinian President…
Israeli forces arrested 11 Palestinians fromt he West Bank
resistance activists, in the various areas of the Palestinian WestAgencies, Spetember 12, 2003 Israeli troops arrested overnight 11 Palestinians, claimed to be resistance activists, in the various areas of the…
U.S. Opposes Israeli Cabinet Decision to Expel Arafat
president Yasser Arafat, the United States notified Israel that itIMEMC & Agencies, September 12, 2003 Following the Israeli security Cabinet decision to expel Palestinian president Yasser Arafat, the United States…
Rajoub: The mission of the National Security Council is linked to
The first meeting of the National Security Council, lead by thethree basic coals that we are working on Rashid Hilal, IMEMC, September 12, 2003 The first meeting of the National…
The prisoner Iweis suspends his hunger strike
(33) from Balata camp, suspended his 23 day hunger strike. TheAgencies, September 12, 2003 Palestinian Prisoner Society declared that the prisoner Naser Iweis (33) from Balata camp, suspended his 23…
Sha’th welcomes the American attitude to stand against Arafat’s
Nabil Sha’th, Palestinian minister of foreign affairs, welcomed theexpulsion IMEMC & Agencies, September 12, 2003 Nabil Sha’th, Palestinian minister of foreign affairs, welcomed the American decision to refuse expelling Arafat.…
In response to Israeli Bombings of Homes, Hamas Threatens Quid pro
The military wing of Hamas, Al-Qassam brigades, threatened WednesdayQuo IMEMC & Agencies, September 11, 2003 The military wing of Hamas, Al-Qassam brigades, threatened Wednesday to change tactics by attacking Israeli…
Israeli Harsh Attack Expected By Weekend, Arafat a Possible Target
that the government will convene to decide on new measures followingIMEMC & Agencies, September 11, 2003 A senior source in Israeli PM Ariel Sharon’s cabinet said Thursday that the government…
Qure’i to Form Emergency Cabinet in Few Days
intention to put together an emergency government within a few days.IMEMC & Agencies, September 11, 2003 Designated Palestinian PM Ahmed Qure’i declared Wednesday his intention to put together an emergency…
One Killed, 5 Arrested in Jenin
Jenin, indicating an intended operation.Ali Samoudi, IMEMC, September 11, 2003 At present, Israeli Military F16 and Apache are flying low over Jenin, indicating an intended operation. A Palestinian was killed…
Israel is back to `“Undressing` Palestinians at checkpoints
bank city of Nablus reported Thursday that Israeli soldiers detainedAmin Abu Wardeh, IMEMC, September 11, 2003 16:29 Eyewitnesses at Deir Sharaf military checkpoint, west of the West bank city of…
Palestinian Security United Under a National Security Council
including Police and General Intelligence, under the newlyRashid Hilal, IMEMC, September 11, 2003 16:18 Palestinian Leadership decided to unite all security devices, including Police and General Intelligence, under the newly…
Tension Mounting in Gaza, Israeli Army Demolish 15 Homes in Rafah
area of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.IMEMC & Agencies, September 11, 2003 10:13 Israeli troops demolished pre-dawn hours Thursday 15 homes in the area of Rafah in the southern…
The PLC meeting was delayed because the members couldn’t reach it
formed by Ahamd Qure’ was delayed Thursday morning, as the IsraeliRashid Hilal, IMEMC, September 11, 2003 The PLC meeting which was supposed to approve the emergency cabinet formed by Ahamd…
Israeli Troops infiltrate into the old city of Nablus, search homes,
Israeli troops infiltrated Tuesday morning into the old city ofand arrest 3 Palestinians Moath Shreideh, IMEMC, September 10, 2003 Israeli troops infiltrated Tuesday morning into the old city of Nablus.…
Cry to help Palestinian Prisoners in Magedo
from Palestinian prisoners in Magedo detention center to provideAli Samoudi, IMEMC, September 10, 2003 Prisoners’ Friends Society in Nazareth received an urgent request from Palestinian prisoners in Magedo detention center…
Following Tuesday Attacks, Sharon to Cut Short Visit to India
Sharon will cut short his visit to India and arrive in Israel onIMEMC & Agencies, September 10, 2003 Following the Tuesday two bombings, Israeli Prime minister Ariel Sharon will cut…
A Second Blast in Jerusalem Kills 7 More Israelis
bombing attacks Tuesday. 6 Israelis were killed and around 30IMEMC, September 10, 2003 9:36 At least 13 Israelis were killed and dozens more wounded in two bombing attacks Tuesday. 6…
Israeli F-16 shells a Gaza City home, Apparently Targeting a Hammas
Israeli F-16 jet fighters fired several air-to-land missiles at theLeader Fadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, September 10, 2003 Israeli F-16 jet fighters fired several air-to-land missiles at the house of Dr.…
Qure’i: Would Not Submit to Israeli Dictations Which Toppled Down
While addressing reporters in Ramallah, head of the PalestinianAbbas IMEMC & Agencies, September 10, 2003 11:01 While addressing reporters in Ramallah, head of the Palestinian legislative council and the likely…
Israeli Settler, protected by Soldiers Uproot Trees near ramallah
Dozens of Israeli settlers, accompanied by soldiers entered the fields of Almughair village east of Ramallah and uprooted dozens of olive trees using bulldozers. Local sources reported that villagers who…
Israeli Army Deploys more Troops, Expropriate Private Cars in Jenin
West Bank City of Jenin. Eyewitnesses reported that hundreds ofAli Samoudi, IMEMC, September 10, 2003 Tuesday the Israeli army deployed more troops around the Palestinian West Bank City of Jenin.…
Two University Students from Rantis near Ramallah, Launched the Twin
Palestinian official sources reported that the tow Hamas operativesAttacks in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Rashid Hilal, IMEMC, September 10, 2003 Palestinian official sources reported that the tow Hamas operatives who…
20 Palestinians, Among Them 15 Leaders, Were Killed In Series of
The Palestinian General Information Institute published a reportTargeted Killings IMEMC & Agencies, September 9, 2003 The Palestinian General Information Institute published a report Monday that indicated a sharp increase in…
Bethlehem completely Sealed, Soldiers chasing Palestinians in the
Israeli troops closed Bethlehem area Tuesday morning by sealing allMountains Fadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, September 10, 2003 0:12 Israeli troops closed Bethlehem area Tuesday morning by sealing all of its…
Child Killed, Two wounded As Israeli Troops Bombed A Residential
Israeli forces surrounded a four story residential building in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Soldiers evacuated residents using force, and bombed and fired at the building. Palestinian sources said…
Moslem Leader Arrested In Way to Pray In Al-Aqsa Mosque
general of the Islamic higher Institute Sheikh Taisir Al-Tamimi andIMEMC & Agencies, September 9, 2003 10:19 Israeli security forces arrested Monday noon time the secretary general of the Islamic higher…
Amnesty: Separation Wall Crippling Palestinian Economy
based human rights group Amnesty International, concluded that theIMEMC & Agencies, September 8, 2003 A new report titled “Surviving under Siege†published by the London based human rights group Amnesty…
Qure’i, Likely Accepted Nomination to PM Postion.
Qure’i (Abu Ala) said Sunday that he has agreed in principle toIMEMC & Agencies, September 8, 2003 Aids close to the head of the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmed Qure’i (Abu…
Following Two Failures, Israel to Continue Targeting Hamas
southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis on Sunday. Medical sourcesIMEMC & Agencies, September 8, 2003 10:15 Israeli Apaches fired two missiles at a Palestinian home in the southern Gaza…
Powell Implies Readiness to Deal With an Arafat Appointed Government
interview on Face the Media that even when the US administrationIMEMC & Agencies, September 8, 2003 American Secretary of State Collin Powell said Sunday in an interview on Face the…
Qure’i Would Not Accept Post Without International Guarantees
for prime minister laid out his terms Monday for accepting the post.IMEMC & Agencies, September 8, 2003 The Head of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the only nominee for prime…
Internal Discussions to Replace Qure’i as Chair of PLC
Palestinian prime minister, another important question has beenRashid Hilal, IMEMC, September 8, 2003 With the suggested appointment of Ahmed Qurei as the next Palestinian prime minister, another important question has…