Hamas leader says American idea of peace is occupation.
that there appear to be two different goals in regards to theFadi Abu Sa’da – IMEMC June 21 2003 A prominent leader of Hamas, Dr. Mahmoud Alzahar said today that…
Deal for handing over areas in Gaza and the West bank expected
According to reports published in LA times, U.S. Secretary ofvery soon Ghassan Andoni & Fadi Abu Sa’da IMEMC June 21 2003 According to reports published in LA times, U.S. Secretary…
A deal to hand over aries in Gaza and West Bank to the PA is
With so many contradictory statements from the various partiesecpected very soon Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC June 21 2003 With so many contradictory statements from the various parties engaged in the…
Colin Powel accuses Hamas ‘in its current form’ as being a
Colin Powel accuses Hamas ‘in its current form’ as being aSpecial – IMEMC In a joint press conference after their meeting in Jericho, Colin Powel accuses Hamas ‘in its current…
Diplomatic Initiaitives to Return to the Road Map Excelerate
the roadmap. With last week’s increasing violence on both theAlison Keefe, IMEMC, June 17 President Bush continues to press ahead in his commitment to the roadmap. With last week’s increasing…
Tubas Villagers: `“Israeli army unit deliberately burned our
According to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces started a fire infields in Tubas†Ali Samoudi (Jenin), IMEMC, June 16 According to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces started a fire in agricultural land between the…
Al Qassam and Al Quds Brigades claim responsibility for
In a leaflet issued by the Al Qassam Brigades, the militaryattacks on Israel IMEMC, June 16 In a leaflet issued by the Al Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas,…
Egyptian envoy continues truce meetings, Abbas in Gaza today
leaders of the Palestinian Authority security services.Zuhair Saqalah (Gaza), IMEMC The Egyptian delegation arrived in Gaza Sunday to meet with leaders of the Palestinian Authority security services. Palestinian sources state…
As a truce agreement is in reach, Israel will reject a truce
The marathon talks between the different Palestinian politicaleven if Hamas accepts it Ghassan Andoni, IMEMC, June 16 The marathon talks between the different Palestinian political factions on the one side…
12 Palestinians arrested overnight
units arrested 12 Palestinians from different PalestinianIMEMC, June 16 In the early morning hours of Monday morning Israeli army units arrested 12 Palestinians from different Palestinian cities in the West…
Palestinian killed, 4 wounded and 2 arrested in multiple
Saturday night, Israeli forces made an incursion into the cityIsraeli army incursions into Nablus area Muath Sharedah (Nablus), IMEMC, June 15 Saturday night, Israeli forces made an incursion into the…
HAMAS confirms intensive talks with PA, denies a truce
A senior HAMAS official denied Friday that his militant groupagreement Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC June 14, 2003 A senior HAMAS official denied Friday that his militant group was prepared to…
Mofaz: Ready to hand over security control in Gaza
escalationAbbed Rabo: need U.S. guarantees that Israel will end its military escalation Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC June 14,2003 Following intensive pressure from the U.S. and Egypt, Israel and the PA…
One more assassination by air land missiles in Gaza
least twoSpecial – IMEMC June 14, 2003 On Friday evening, Israel Air Force helicopters launched at least two missiles at a car in Gaza City, killing Fuad Lidawi, a member…
Israeli army Vehicle ran into a Palestinian kinder
In an apparent car chase at the entrance to Jenin refugeegarden bus in Jenin Ali Samodi – IMEMC In an apparent car chase at the entrance to Jenin refugee camp,…
One more targeted killing, one more Israeli killed in Jenin
the city of Jenin. Soldiers fired randomly in the direction of theAli Samodi – IMEMC June 13, 2003 An Israeli undercover border police unit entered the eastern part of the…
Israel declares War against HAMAS
any political considerations, according to an Israeli armyGhassan Andoni – IMEMC ‘a window of opportunity was opened’ to fight HAMAS without any political considerations, according to an Israeli army source.…
Abbas to Bush ‘we will continue with ceasefire talks’
government is committed to continuing negotiations with allGhassan Andoni – IMEMC June 13, 2003 Palestinian PM, in a phone talk with president Bush ‘ My government is committed to continuing…
HAMAS: ‘every Israeli has become a target.’
attacks against Israel. In a fax statement sent to news agenciesGhassan Andoni -IMEMC HAMAS spokesman, Mahmoud Alzahar pledged to maximize the group’s attacks against Israel. In a fax statement sent…
Israeli army demolishes the home of the Palestinian
In the early morning hours, an Israeli army unit blow up withwho carried out Jerusalem suicide attack Amjad Shawer – IMEMC In the early morning hours, an Israeli army unit…
Imprisonned Fatah leader Barghouti had agreed to truce before
Imprisoned popular leader Marwan Barghouti and the head of theAqaba summit IMEMC, June 12, 15:20 Imprisoned popular leader Marwan Barghouti and the head of the Hamas diplomatic wing in Damascus,…
Wednesday, a very bloody day in Israel and Palestine
resistance exploded a bomb on his person inside bus number 14Ghassan Andoni and Fadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, June 12, 10:22 Around 5:30 p.m. Wednesday a Palestinian from the armed resistance…
Israeli army demolishes family home of Jerusalem suicide
Early Thursday morning, Israeli forces demolished the familyattacker Amjad Shawer (Hebron), IMEMC, June 12, 15:45 Early Thursday morning, Israeli forces demolished the family home of Abed El-Muotee Shabana, the suicide…
Israeli army overnight operations in Balata, Nablus
approached the entrances to camp. There was indescriminateMuath Al Shreda (Nablus), IMEMC, June 12, 14:42 Late Wednesday night an Israeli force of tanks and jeeps approached the entrances to camp.…
Rafah Incursion, Gaza Strip cut into 3 cantons
incursion into Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. According toZuhair Saq Alla (Gaza), IMEMC, June 12, 14:09 In early morning on Thursday Israeli armed forces made an incursion into Rafah…
Egypt’s mediator Omar Suleiman meets with Abu Mazen and Yasser
In Ramallah Wednesday, a meeting took place involving EgyptianArafat Wednesday IMEMC, June 12, 09:57 In Ramallah Wednesday, a meeting took place involving Egyptian Intelligence chief Gen. Omar Suleiman and senior…
Another day of the Israeli army’s targeted assassinations of the
The Israeli army launched another missile attack Thursday against aPalestinian armed resistance Alison Keefe, IMEMC, June 12, 16:42 The Israeli army launched another missile attack Thursday against a Hamas militant…
Bush urges international community to help in fight for peace
US President Bush Wednesday called upon the internationalin Middle East Alison Keefe, IMEMC, June 12, 10:16 US President Bush Wednesday called upon the international community to do everything in their…
Sharon, in reference to Palestinian PM: `“I will not wait till this
In his cabinet meeting Thursday morning Sharon attacked thechick grows feathers†Ghassan Andoni, IMEMC, June 12, 16:02 In his cabinet meeting Thursday morning Sharon attacked the Palestinian Authority in regards…
New US: Israeli Agreement Leaves Settlements Issue Outside
According to Israel’s Channel One news Tuesday evening IsraeliRoad Map Alison Keefe, IMEMC, June 11, 08:52 According to Israel’s Channel One news Tuesday evening Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has…
Israeli security sources: Sharon and Mofaz authorized Rantisi
Addressing cabinet ministers, Israeli Prime Minister Sharonassassination attempt on Sunday Ghassan Andoni, IMEMC, June 11, 16:15 Addressing cabinet ministers, Israeli Prime Minister Sharon stated that Israel’s military operations are not…
Army operation in Tulkarem
refugee camp and announced the imposition of curfew over loudMustafa Abu Dayyeh, IMEMC, June 11, 12:14 Dawn on Wednesday Israeli forces entered Tulkarem city and refugee camp and announced the…
Israeli army welds gate shut at Hebron University
Israeli forces in Hebron forcibly ended a peaceful six-dayAlison Keefe, IMEMC, June 11, 10:10 The Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron reported Tuesday that Israeli forces in Hebron forcibly ended a…
Palestinian shot at Khan Younis checkpoint, Gaza Strip
Strip was shot Tuesday by Israeli forces at the Abu HolyJameeleh Abu Shanab, IMEMC, June 11, 2003 Amjad Nabil Nabris, 22 years old from Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip…
Rantisi Interview on Al Jazeera TV
to kill anyone from the resistance will not bring security to theIMEMC, June 9, 15:03 Speaking on Al Jazeera TV Rantisi has claimed that “to kill me and to kill…
While Palestinians call it a symbolic act, evacuating unauthorized
Israeli army forces began on Monday began dismantling unpopulatedoutposts is creating uproar in settler’s circles Ghassan Andoni and Alison Keefe, IMEMC, June 10, 09:02 Israeli army forces began on Monday…
Tighter closure in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Palestinian cities and villages in the West Bank and GazaFadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, June 10, 18:42 Israeli forces continue to impose the siege on the different Palestinian cities and villages…
Israeli army invades the city of Hebron and closes down the
Several Israeli military vehicles including jeeps, tanks anduniversity Amjad Shawer, IMEMC, June 10, 12:50 Several Israeli military vehicles including jeeps, tanks and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) invaded the city of…
Israeli army jeep hits a Palestinian truck and a civilian car
An Israeli military jeep was involved in causing two road accidentsinjuring four people in Tulkarem Muntasser Anani, IMEMC, June 10, 9:48 An Israeli military jeep was involved in causing two…
Palestinian killed and another injured in Kufur Ra’I, Jenin,
In an Israeli raid of the town of Kufur Ra’I south of Jenin,arrests in Qabatyeh and incursion into Yamun Ali Samoudi (Jenin), IMEMC, June 10, 10:26 In an Israeli raid…
The Israeli army’s attempt to assassinate Dr. Rantizi represents the biggest blow to the road map
This targeted killing attempt came two days after Palestinian resistant gunmen attacked Israeli soldiers at Erez checkpoint killing four soldiers and wounding four others. The three armed Palestinians were killed…
Israeli forces invade residential neighborhoods of Bethlehem
In the early hours of Tuesday, a large Israeli force,and arrest four Palestinians Tuesday morning Fadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, June 10, 14:35 In the early hours of Tuesday, a large…
Addressing a stormy Likud convention on Sunday, Sharon: Most
“The people have spoken and brought us victory. They choseof the nation supports my peace efforts. Ghassan Andoni, IMEMC, June 9, 2003 “The people have spoken and brought us victory.…
Abu Mazen: Dialogue is Only Way Forward
determination to resume ceasefire talks with the armedAlison Keefe, IMEMC, June 9, 16:04 Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas Monday announced his determination to resume ceasefire talks with the armed resistance…
Settlement outposts: evacuation may start as early as Monday
At a meeting 11am Monday between Central Command chiefnight Alison Keefe, IMEMC, June 9, 10:14 At a meeting 11am Monday between Central Command chief Major-General Moshe Kaplinski, military commander of…
In response to Palestinian Prime Minster Abbas’ speech on Monday,
In an official leaflet issued by Hamas at the end of HamasHamas eases its position in relation to resuming dialogue. Ghassan Andoni, IMEMC, June 9, 10:07 In an official leaflet…
Closure of the West Bank and Gaza Strip continues and the
Undertaking a daily review of the closure across the West Banknumber of military checkpoints is increasing Fadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, June 9, 17:01 Undertaking a daily review of the closure…
Hamas leader Rantizi wounded in Apache attack on Gaza City, 3
2 Apache helicopter gunships fired 7 missiles at 2 carsothers killed and 25 wounded Zuhair Saqallah, IMEMC, June 9, 12:01 2 Apache helicopter gunships fired 7 missiles at 2 cars…
An Israeli army unit kills two Palestinians near Netzarim
According to Israeli army sources, two Palestinians were shotsettlement in Gaza Special Report IMEMC, June 9, 09:07 According to Israeli army sources, two Palestinians were shot dead Monday night west…
More than 15 Palestinians arrested in a special operation in Bethlehem
The mayor of the village announced the names of the arrested. They are Ibrahim Abu Sarhan, 26 years, Naeem Sa’adeh, 28 years, Isma’eel Radaideh, 20 years, Naeem El’Asa, 22 years,…
The Israeli army’s attempt to assassinate Dr. Rantizi represents the biggest blow to the road map
At 11 a.m. Tuesday, Israeli Apaches fired seven rockets directed at a car in which 46 year old Dr Abdulaziz Al Rantizi, a dentist and one of the prominent political…
Life continues to be unbearable in Jenin and has only worsened
Three Palestinians were lightly wounded by shrapnel from highthe past few days Special report by Ali Samodi – IMEMC, June 8, 11:42 Three Palestinians were lightly wounded by shrapnel from…
Four Israelis and three Palestinian resistance fighters killed
Four Israelis were killed and four wounded when Palestinianin attack at a military post near Erez check point in Gaza. Ghassan Andoni –IMEMC, June 8, 9:49 Four Israelis were killed…
Palestinian resistance gunman killed in an exchange of fire
Special report – IMEMC, June 8, 16:12with the Israeli army near Gush Kativ settlement in Gaza strip. Special report – IMEMC, June 8, 16:12 Israeli troops killed an armed Palestinian…
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) refuses
Hamas abandoned the truce talks Friday claiming Abu Mazen haddialogue with Hamas after they walk out on truce talks. Alison Keefe, IMEMC, 15:28, June 8 Hamas abandoned the truce talks…
Israel steps up its already tight closure on the West Bank in
Alison Keefe – IMEMC, 14:02response to Hamas’ decision Saturday to pull out of truce talks with Prime Minister Abbas. Alison Keefe – IMEMC, 14:02 Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz announced Saturday…
Abbas caught between the Israeli hammer and the Palestinian
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas is facing seriousaxe Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC, June 8, 16:19 Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas is facing serious internal hardships. The ceasefire agreement which appeared…
U.S. road Map team due in the region on Sunday
implementation of the road map peace plan is expected to arrive inSpecial Report, IMEMC, Saturday, June 7, 2003 Israel radio reported that the U.S.-led team to oversee the implementation of…
The PLO executive committee calls upon all Palestinian political
The PLO executive committee, at the end of it’s meeting of lastfaction to resume the talks they started for national unity Special Report, IMEMC, June 7, 2003 The PLO executive…
As a result of a swift and multiple Israeli military
Moath Shreideh, IMEMC, June 7, 2003operations, 3 Palestinians injured in Nablus and the surrounding villages. Moath Shreideh, IMEMC, June 7, 2003 Early in the morning, the Israeli army launched several…
In a meeting in Gaza, called by Islamic Jihad,
Ghassan Andoni & Fadi Abu Sa’ada – IMEMC June 7, 2003Palestinian political factions will discuss relations with Abu Mazin’s Government. Ghassan Andoni & Fadi Abu Sa’ada – IMEMC June 7,…
The Israeli army tighten the closure around Hebron and keeps it’s
Special Report– IMEMC June 7, 2003old city under curfew Demolition threats to 11 Families in Hebron. Special Report– IMEMC June 7, 2003 Israeli army reinforced the closure around the city…
The truce agreement which appeared to be tangible in few weeks is currently shadowed with doubts.
It became more evident today that Abu Mazin is facing more serious opposition on the Palestinian side than he anticipated. The waves of reservations, opposition, and criticisms to his speech…
Two Palestinians injured in Khan Yonis
the city of Khan Younis.Jamileh Abu Shanab, IMEMC, June 6, 2003 Two Palestinians were seriously injured by Israeli soldiers fire in the city of Khan Younis. According to Palestinian medical…
The truce agreement which appeared to be tangible in few weeks is
It became more evident today that Abu Mazin is facing more seriousshadowed with doubts at the moment Ghassan Andoni – IMEMC It became more evident today that Abu Mazin is…
Palestinian prisoners, in reaction to being ignored in Aqaba Summit,
Ali Samoudi, IMEMC, June 6, 2003call upon all Palestinian resistance groups to freeze the talks with Abu Mazen’s government Ali Samoudi, IMEMC, June 6, 2003 Palestinian prisoners called upon all…
Israel assassinated four Palestinians in Attiel, north of Tulkarem
Thursday night in the town of Attiel, north of Tulkarem. IsraeliMuntsser El-Anani, IMEMC Four Palestinians were killed in an Israeli military operation late Thursday night in the town of Attiel,…
No significant changes at military checkpoints
IMEMC, through it’s correspondents is running a daily monitoring ofLiving conditions are from bad to worse Fadi Abu Sa’ada – IMEMC Reporters, June 06, 2003 IMEMC, through it’s correspondents is…
Alaqsa Martyrs brigades: ‘We will not respect a seize fire agreement
In a leaflet distributed by Alaqsa Martyers brigades, the militaryas long as President Arafat is under siege’ Special Report, IMEMC, June 6, 2003 In a leaflet distributed by Alaqsa Martyers…
Israeli Forces Enter University, Leave Racist Graffiti
Tuesday night searching lecture rooms and scrawling racist messagesTulkarem, From Radhika Sainthe, 05 Jun 03 Israeli Border Police entered Al-Quds University in Tulkarem at 11pm Tuesday night searching lecture rooms…
After 80 days of his arrest, Hussam Khader, Member of the PLC,
Fadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, June 5, 2003denies alleged charges the Israeli military court decides to extend his detention period. Fadi Abu Sa’ada, IMEMC, June 5, 2003 Lawyer, Riad El-Anis, reported…
The Israeli army shot and injured a five years old child in Balata
The child Mahmoud Nazih Deeb 5 years old, was shot in his right eye with a high speed bullet fired by the Israel army during clashes with young Palestinians at…
Israeli and Palestinian reactions to Aqaba declaratios
success depends on the sides turning the rhetoric into practice. TheGhassan Andoni – IMEMC Labor Party Secretary General Ophir Pines-Paz: ‘the road map’s success depends on the sides turning the…
Contrary to the Israeli military claims,
On the morning of Thursday June 5, 2003, Israeli Military sourcesmost of the checkpoints in Palestine are still closed Fadi Abu Saada, IMEMC, June 5, 2003 5:18 pm On the…
Evacuating unauthorized settlers’ outposts
immediate removal of unauthorized settlers’ outposts can trigger settlersGhassan Andoni – IMEMC, June 5, 2003 The implementation of the Israeli prime Minster’s declaration on the immediate removal of unauthorized settlers’…
Palestinian Resistance Groups attack Israeli Targets in Gaza Strip
Wednesday night June 4, the Palestinian resistance groups attackedand Jenin IMEMC, June 5, 2003 Wednesday night June 4, the Palestinian resistance groups attacked Israeli Military targets and an Israeli settlement…
Israeli and Palestinian reactions to Aqaba declaratios
Labor Party Secretary General Ophir Pines-Paz: ‘the road map’s success depends on the sides turning the rhetoric into practice. The Palestinians must act with determination against terror and incitement, and…
Evacuating unauthorized settlers’ outposts
The implementation of the Israeli prime Minster’s declaration on the immediate removal of unauthorized settlers’ outposts can trigger settlers violence, force national union ministers to resign, and can result in…
On his way to Aqaba Summit, Bush meeting with ‘moderate’
In his first move to advance the road map plan, President Bush will meet with the leaders of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrin, and the Palestinian prime minster, Mahomoud Abbas…
Three Injured in Bethlehem
morning at 9.30 into the city of Bethlehem and surrounded the areaFadi Abu Sada – IMEMC, June 4, 08:40 A large Israeli force of around 12 jeeps made an incursion…
Jenin udner siege
camp. Eyewitnesses say that military vehicles invaded the city andAli Samoudi (Jenin) – IMEMC, June 4, 14:17 Israeli forces imposed curfew on both Jenin city and the refugee camp. Eyewitnesses…
Nablus Region Under Curfew
have blocked the roads into Balata by creating road blocks andFadi Abu Saada, IMEMC June 4, 2003 Balata and Askar refugee camps are under full curfew. Israeli forces have blocked…
Aqaba Summit: End of Intifada or End of Occupation?
Mahmoud Abbas called for an end to the ‘armed intifada’ and an endGhassan Andoni – IMEMC, June 4, 16:52 At the end of the 90 minute meeting the Palestinian Prime…
Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike
the Israeli prisons today. The strike is a call to draw theGeorge Rishmawi – IMEMC, June 4, 16:14 Palestinian Prisoners declared a hunger strike for one day in all the…
Aqaba Summit, end of Intifada or end of occupation?
At the end of the 90 minutes meeting the Palestinian prime minister Mahmoud Abbas called for an end to the ‘armed Intifada’ and an end to attacks on Israelis ‘wherever…
Closure Update: Easing of Restrictions Hasn’t Materialised
are undertaking house to house searches looking for men on theirFadi Abu Sa’ada – IMEMC, June 3 Ramallah and Albireh are under curfew for the second day. Soldiers are undertaking…
12 Palestinians arrested in the West Bank Last Night ad this morning
Bank overnight. In the village of Jaba near Jenin, the army enteredSpecial report – IMEMC, June 3, 11:06 Israeli Authorities invaded several cities and towns in the West Bank overnight.…
Army Enters Nablus with Force (10:06 am)
hours of Monday night into the eastern side of the city of Nablus,Muath Shreda (Nablus) – IMEMC, Israeli tanks and military vehicles made an incursion in the late hours of…
Mofaz: No Redeployment of Troops in West Bank
Mofaz said that Israeli troops would remain in the West Bank toBy Alison Keefe,Tuesday, June 2, 2003 In an interview on Sunday with Israel Radio Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said…
Hamas Leaders Consult on Truce Idea
Kamal Abu Alhija, and Sheikh Abdul Khaleq Alnatshah, the three inIMEMC staff , Tuesday, June 2, 2003 Lawyer Ismael Abdul Latif reported that Sheikh Hassan Yousif, Sheikh Kamal Abu Alhija,…
Five Arrested in Balata Camp, Nablus
Nablus 3am Monday morning. Troops entered the eastern areas of theBy Muath Shreda,Tuesday, June 2, 2003 The Israeli army made an incursion into several areas in the city of Nablus…
Aqaba Declaration: Sharon Will Dismantle Illegal Outposts
that Israel is prepared to evacuate some illegal settlements. HeBy Alison Keefe, Tuesday, June 2, 2003 Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is set to announce at the Aqaba summit that Israel…
ISM Demands Full Apology over Mike’s Place Allegations
place in Tel Aviv on April 29 crossed from Gaza into Israel with theGhassan Andoni – IMEMC, June 3, 15:24 The two British citizens who carried out a suicide attack…
Eased Restrictions Haven’t Materialized on Ground
restrictions have not been eased at the checkpoints in accordanceBy Alison Keefe, Monday, June 1, 2003 Reports from around the West Bank and Gaza Strip Sunday reveal that restrictions have…
Mas’Ha Checkpoint
empty today. A few soldiers were laying down relaxing and onlyBy Amin Abu Warda, Monday, June 1, 2003 Mas’Ha military checkpoint, south west of the city of Nablus, was empty…
Last Minute Difficulties in Preparations for Aqaba Summit
road map plan that calls for the establishment of a PalestinianBy Ghassan Andoni, Monday, June 1, 2003 While the Palestinian Authority insists on the declaration in the road map plan…
Only Truce Can Give Peace Efforts A Chance
Abu Mazen sounded optimistic to state that a truce can be agreed upon in three weeks. While most of the Palestinian groups that are engaged in armed struggle against Israel…
The Road Map: The Risk is as High as the Potential Created
After receiving American assurances that most of the Israeli concerns, formulated in the 14 submitted points, will be considered in the implementation of the road map plan, the Israeli cabinet…
Japan donates US$ 15 million for Job creation and re-housing
The UNRWA announced that the Government of Japan has announced a donation of US$ 15 million to the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) after the…