Israeli sources reported, Saturday, that five members of the same Israeli family, including three children, were wounded when a land mine detonated near them as they were vacationing in the occupied Golan Heights.The explosion took place near a Golan settlement while thousands of Israelis were vacationing there to ski.

One child suffered serious wounds and was air-lifted to a hospital in Haifa, north of the country, and one woman suffered moderate facial wounds, while three others were mildly wounded, Israeli Magen David Adom (Red Star Of David) emergency services reported.

Israel occupied the Golan Height in 1967 and decided to annex it and considerate part of Israel in 1981.

It is worth mentioning that a 35-year-old man suffered, in March 2009, light-to-moderate wounds when his land glider landed in a minefield in the Golan Heights, the Ynet News reported.

A worker from Thailand was seriously wounded in the same month when a land mine went off near a settlement in the Golan Heights.