Palestinian detainees imprisoned at the Hadarim Israeli detention facility called on the Palestinian factions to end all sorts of internal clashes and violence. The detainees said that the factions should resolve their differences peacefully instead of resorting to violence.Bothaina Doqmaq, lawyer of the Mandela Institute said that she visited several detainees in Hadarim who voiced an appeal to all factions in order to end the internal clashes that harm the Palestinian interests and legitimate struggle.

Doqmaq added that the detainees said that only a National Unity Government will be capable of uniting the Palestinian factions and people.

Also, the detainees announced that they intend to launch a hunger strike by mid-January in protest to the Israeli policies of solitary confinement of the detainees without any apparent reason.

Detainee Tawfiq Abu Na’im, said that the detainees are appealing all factions, especially Fateh and Hamas, to contain their differences and refrain from carrying violent attacks.

Abu Na’im added that the detainees are voicing an appeal to their people and factions everywhere in the Palestinian territories to hold their responsibilities in ending the violence and internal clashes.

“Let us unite and heal our bleeding wounds in Gaza”, Abu Na’im stated, “let us end the violence in Gaza and make sure that it does not extend to the West Bank”.

Detainee Ibrahim Shouka said that the detainees are subjected to harsh treatment, and that dozens are confined to solitary, and that there are several female detainees who are also confined to solitary such as detainee Amna Mona in Al Jalama prison.

“The detainees are suffering by the occupation and its illegal practices against them”, Shouka stated, “They need their people and factions to be united”.

Shouka was initially sentenced to 40 months, and was confined to solitary in Bir Shiva prison.

After he served the 4o months, the Israeli Prison Authorities transferred Shouka to administrative detention on June 1, 2006; six months later he received another extension of imprisonment for additional six months without charges or trial.

Shouka added that there are eight detainees, including himself, in Hadarim who received to administrative detention orders after they served their terms and were supposed to be freed.

The   detainees are Adel Harbiyyat, Salim Asakra, Ahmad Safi,  Mohammad Talbeesh, Montaser Hassan, Firas Hassan and Saleh Al Aroury,

The detainees who are confined to solitary said that all detainees in every detention facility will carry a hunger strike on January 14 and several strikes in February and March.

The strikes will be carried against the Israeli policy of confining the detainees to solitary, the continuous attacks against them in addition to the bad living conditions and treatment they face in Israeli prisons.