Two Palestinian fishermen were wounded as Israeli gunboats opened their machine gun fire at them while fishing in the domestic water near the Gaza beach in the Mediterranean Sea on Thursday night.

Two Palestinian fishermen were wounded as Israeli gunboats opened their machine gun fire at them while fishing in the domestic water near the Gaza beach in the Mediterranean Sea on Thursday night.

IMEMC correspendant in Gaza said the names of the fishermen remain unknown as the time of this report.

A third firsherman went missing after the gunfire started. Local residents said Palestinian fishermen are always subject of Israeli navy gunfire and sevreal have been killed during the past year.

Meanwhile, Israeli sources reported that an Israeli drone crashed near the northern Gaza Strip cityof Beit Hanoun. Hamas, on the other hand, published photos of the drone and said that the drone did not crash for technical reason as the Israeli sources claimed.

Abu Obaida, leader of the Qassam Brigade, the armed wing of Hamas said, the drone was forced down and added, \\\\\\'Israeli Army must know that its drones and gunships are not going in a picnic when they fly over Gaza,\\\\\\' he refrained from mentioned further detailes.

In a separate incident, Israeli sources said that a home-made Qassam shell landed in the western Negev in Israel causing no damage or injuries.