On Tuesday the Mandela Prisoners Affairs Society learned that a female Palestinian prisoner, Rowayda Fraitekh, was exiled to Jordan by Israeli authorities after being imprisoned at the Telmond detention facility.

Mandela’s advocate, Bothayna Deqmaq, confirmed that the Israeli authorities have already deported prisoner Fraitekh, who had been detained in administrative detention since last August, WAFA News Agency reported.

A statement released by the Mandela Society declared that prisoner Fraitekh is the spouse of Palestinian prisoner Sami Ewaigan, who is being held in the Majedo detention facility. She is the mother of a 6 year-old child, who is currently living with his grandfather in the West Bank city of Nablus.

According to the Society’s own investigations, the Israeli authorities attempted to exile Fraitekh last September. At the time, she was bleeding due to her pregnancy and the authorities transferred her from the Allenby Bridge crossing on the Israeli-Jordanian border to the M’eir Kfar Saba hospital inside Israel, from which she was deported.

Deportation is deemed illegal by international law, but since 1967 Israel has exiled hundreds of Palestinians, among them the 2002 Bethlehem deportees, who were exiled to some European countries as well as to the Gaza Strip.