On Tuesday Israeli army bulldozers started to destroy farmlands that are privately owned by Palestinian farmers from the village of Beit Omer near Hebron in the southern West Bank. The purpose of this attack is to make way for a new ‘Jewish settler only’ road.

On Tuesday Israeli army bulldozers started to destroy farmlands that are privately owned by Palestinian farmers from the village of Beit Omer near Hebron in the southern West Bank. The purpose of this attack is to make way for a new ‘Jewish settler only’ road.

This road is meant to connect the illegal settlement of Majadal Ouz, which is built on land stolen from Beit Omer, with the rest of the nearby settlements and Jerusalem.

Abd Al Hadi Hantash stated that the bulldozed land might also be used for building the illegal wall in that area.

Hebron city is one of the Palestinian areas that is suffering most due to the settlements and settlers. In the city itself settlers have occupied homes and forced Palestinian families to leave them by force at gunpoint.

In the villages around the city, farmlands are being stolen for the illegal settlements. They are used either for settlement expansion as a source of income for the settlers, which is totally illegal under international law.