After the Palestinian President decided on Monday to appoint Mohammad Dahlan, a prominent Fateh leaders and the previous head of the Preventive Security Force in Gaza, as the Security Advisor, Hamas movement slammed the decision and accused Abbas of conducting an illegal appointment.In an official statement, the Hamas movement said that “it sees this appointment as a violation of the Palestinian law, and urged Abbas “to re-examine the decision in accordance with the law”.


An Israeli online daily reported that Dahlan was appointed as the head of the Palestinian National Security Council which was recently reformed and re-established. The Council will be in charge of all the security services in the Palestinian territories.


The decision to appoint Dahlan as the National Security Advisor, and to create the Palestinian National Security Council, was seen by Hamas movement, which enjoys an overwhelming majority at the legislative council, as an attempt by Abbas to force his control over the different Palestinian security devices.


Haaretz also reported that Dahlan stated on Sunday that the decision was made to achieve a united force, but hinted that there are no intentions to dismantle the Executive Force, formed by Hamas in Gaza.


In Recent months, Hamas accused Dahlan of leading the pro-Fateh forces into factional fighting, especially with the movement.


Some Hamas fighters and activists even accused Dahlan of planning an attempt on the life of the Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya.