The Israeli army invaded several parts of the West Bank and abducted six Palestinian civilians on Thursday at dawn. Five of those abducted were taken from the city of Hebron and the nearby Surif village in the southern part of the West Bank.

Israeli soldiers attacked and searched scores of homes in Abu Sininah neighborhood, located on the southern side of Hebron city, and in the old city area. Troops forced the men outside, took their identity cards then abducted five men and took them to unknown detention camps.

During the abduction operation the Israeli forces beat up three men, who sustained light wounds due to the assault. Medical sources identified the three as Mohamed Abu Suboh, Ibaraheem Abu Suboh, and Ishak Abu Najmah.

A man known as Ibraheem Awad, aged 36, was abducted after Israeli forces stopped him and beat him up at a military checkpoint between the city of Hebron and the village of Surif. The man then was taken to an unknown location, eyewitnesses reported. Awad's family stated that their son works in the Hebron public hospital as a nurse.

In the meantime, also in the southern part of the West Bank, Israeli forces invaded Deheisheh refugee camp located in Bethlehem city. They searched homes and abducted Abd Al Qader Al Zughari, 19, a student in Bethlehem University. 

Israeli troops installed a checkpoint on the main road north-east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus and detained scores of civilians for several hours. Soldiers took people's ID cards and held them for some time. They eventually gave them back after forcing transportation vehicles to leave the area so that the people would have to travel to the city on foot, eyewitnesses reported.

The road in question connects the city of Nablus with nearby villages and towns. On Thursday at dawn Israeli forces invaded downtown Nablus city and the old city area, and searched some homes. Israeli army sources reported that local resistance fighters detonated two home-made bombs near the attacking force, but reported no injures.