The Palestinian Center For Human Rights (PCHR), based in Gaza, published its weekly report documenting the Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories in the period between April 19 – April 25. During the reported period, Israeli troops killed nine Palestinians, including two children.The PCHR reported that four of the casualties were extra-judicially executed by the Israeli army, and that eighteen people were injured during the past week.

The Center stated that on April 21st, Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian who stepped out on to the roof of his own home in a village near the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

On the same say, under-cover forces of the Israeli army assassinated three Palestinians in Jenin, while soldiers shot dead a Palestinian child after surrounding his family’s home to kidnap his brother.

On April 22nd, two resistance fighters were killed in the Old City of Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank. One child was shot and killed in Dir Abu Mahs’al village, near Ramallah.

On the same day, undercover forces of the Israeli army extra-judicially executed 3 Palestinians in Jenin, and shot dead a Palestinian child as they besieged her family home to arrest her brother.

During the reported period, 18 Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by the army in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 13 of the injured, including one journalist, four women, and four international peace activists were injured as the army used excessive force against nonviolent protesters against the Annexation Wall in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah.

Israeli troops carried out a total of 30 invasions into the occupied West Bank, and kidnapped 44 civilians, including eight children and one girl.

Furthermore, two Palestinian children were injured when an explosive device, left by the army, detonated near them.

In Jerusalem, Israeli troops demolished one Palestinian house, and demolished seven more houses in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank. 48 Palestinians were rendered homeless.

Illegal Israeli settlers in the occupied west Bank continued their attacks against the Palestinian residents, and continued to occupy a Palestinian house in Hebron for the 5th consecutive week. Settlers who were evacuated from the Homesh illegal outpost, near Nablus, managed to return to their outpost and the army did not attempt to remove them.

The Palestinian territories remained under strict siege, and Jerusalem remained isolated from the rest of the occupied West Bank. Soldiers tightened the restrictions on movement through checkpoints, and installed more roadblocks on the main roads and intersections in the West Bank.

Five Palestinian civilians were kidnapped at these checkpoints, while four members of the Palestinian Customs Bureau, two journalists and one PCHR field worker, were detained near Hebron.

Full PCHR Report