The Student council in Birzeit University concluded on Thursday a campaign in support of Dr. Azmi Bishara, former member of Israeli Knesset, and Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Islamic movement in Israel.The council collected signatures in support to the two leaders who are being prosecuted by Israel for their support to the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people, and the Lebanese struggle against the Israeli aggressions.

Fadi Hamad, head of the students’ council, stated that this campaign also aims at increasing the awareness to the Israeli violations against Arab and Palestinian politicians and figures in Israel, and to increase the public support to those figures.

Hamad added that this campaign is a message to the whole world to the people that the Palestinians are united wherever they are, and that they carry one cause and one struggle.

He appealed Human Rights organizations to support Salah and Bishara and place their case in front of the International Court of Justice.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Bishara used to work as a Philosophy lecturer at Bir Zeit University.

The student council at the university was elected more than ten days ago and this is its first activity after the elections.