Just few hours after the Palestinian security forces have been deployed across streets of Gaza early on Thursday, in a bid to restore order, a group of the Hamas-linked executive force of the interior ministry abducted a member of the Shuhada Jenin Brigades (Jenin Martyrs Brigades) in central Gaza Strip.

Well-informed sources told IMEMC that the abduction took place in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, where Khaled Nashabat, a relative of the Jenin Brigades’ leader Mahmoud Nashabbat was kidnapped.

Right after the kidnapping, elements of the Jenin Brigades abducted four members of the Ezziledin Alqassam, the military wing of Hanmas in the nearby Buraij refugee camp, where Nashabat’s men are widely existed.

Witnesses told IMEMC that tension is right now overwhelming on the Salah Edlin main road in central Gaza, as men of both sides are largely present on both sides of the road.

Jenin brigades are a Fatah-liked group that was established in 2004, following the abduction by Nashabbat’s men of former Palestinian security chief Ghazi Aljabali, on alleged corruption charges.

Thursday’s incident is the fist of its type, after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, ordered all security forces under his disposal to deploy in streets to restore order to the unruly Gaza Strip.

Palestinian interior, Hani Al-qasmi, an independent, was quoted as saying today “those officers who were deployed, took the step on their own”.

Al-qawsmi submitted three weeks ago his resignation to the Palestinian cabinet, yet remained in office after his resignation was rejected. Alqawasmi has recently reiterated willingness to resign over what has been believed ‘lack of security cooperation among security officials’

Ghazi Hammd, Palestinian cabinet spokesman, had earlier told IMEMC that the resignation came in protest of shortage of logistic support.

Approximately 400 people have been killed over the past year, as the Gaza Strip has been rocked by factional infighting, family feuds, bombings, abductions and robberies.

Internal unrest has been concurrent with a crippling economic embargo, imposed by international community on the Palestinian Authority since March2006, given presence in power of the Islamist Hamas after last January’s parliamentary elections.