…and so street fight returned to Gaza, and the indications of the war which we warned of for so long has returned to the streets… as if the internal clashed had ever stopped, since they spoke about the Mecca Unity Deal the internal clashes never ceased, but continued of different scales, and by delinquency it seemed to have faded away… but now the bloodshed has returned to the streets, alleys and hospitals of the Gaza Strip. Translated & edited by Sa’ed Bannoura – IMEMC

Under the current conditions that we as Palestinians are going through, under the unjust international Israeli-led siege, the siege which should unite us and unite our efforts, and in spite of the Israeli threats against the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip… our guns lost their paths once again and lost their direction…

As Israel celebrates its independence, which is and not by accident the day our land was occupied, and our people were killed and expelled, and as Israel is celebrating “Jerusalem day”, which is the day when Israel captured the East of Jerusalem, annexed it to West Jerusalem, and declared the “United Jerusalem” as the eternal capital of the State of Israel, we still insist to inflict a new Nakba “cataclysm” on ourselves, as if the first Nakba is 1948, and the second in 1967 were not enough, and as if the unjust siege imposed on every Palestinian is not enough…

I can’t help but wonder about what is going on… what are you doing, isn’t this siege enough… did you forget that you all swore by the name of God to remain united, and not to fight each other ever again??!!
It seems that even swearing by the “name of God” does not matter anymore? Can’t we stop this internal fighting? Or maybe … just maybe the causes of this internal fighting are yet unknown, therefore the issue is bigger than what we though….

If any hope ever existed after you signed the unity government deal, and after you formed the government, it is gone now, you have killed this hope by your civil war, you have killed the hope of lifting the siege, and even killed the hope of our freedom and our dream of a democratic country where all divine values of love, brotherhood and forgiveness exist.

You even killed our feeling that we are brothers… brothers in arms… brothers in blood.., brothers detained in occupation cells and prisons… indeed you have succeeded in killing every beautiful in us… or is this what you were seeking after all these long years of resisting the occupation….

Just keep on doing it… this is what he really need… we don’t need bullets to fight the occupation… we don’t need blood to save the injured when Israel invades us… we don’t need anyone of you to counter the Israeli military attacks… if the feeling of our country has died in you, it is still living in us, so you go and fight against each other far away from us… and leave us to fight against the occupation in our own way…. We will fight and God will help us…