Sources in the Hamas movement stated on Friday that Palestinian Security Forces, loyal to Fateh movement, in the West Bank, arrested six members of Hamas on Thursday from several West Bank areas.According to the sources, P.A security men arrested Nassr Al Beetawi, the son of legislator Hamid Al Beetwai who is currently imprinted by Israel. The security forces also arrested Ayman Taha.

In Salfit district, security forces arrested Samer Isam Suleiman from Marda village, south of Salfit. Suleiman was arrested from his home.

In Hebron city, in the southern part of the West Bank, security forces arrested Abdul-Rahim Al Shalalda, Izzat Al Shalalda and Imad Al Shalada after they were ordered to head to a security center for questioning.

Senior Hamas sources accused the Palestinian Security Forces of carrying a large-scaled arrest campaign against members of Hamas and the Liberation party in several parts of the West Bank.

According to the sources, at least 30 residents were detained for distributing leaflets protesting to the visit of the US president George Bush to the region.      

On Thursday, Hamas sources accused the Palestinian Security Forces of arresting several members of the “Liberation Party” in the Old City of Nablus after they distributed leaflets slamming the visit of the US President George Bush to the West Bank.

The members were reportedly arrested from the Eastern Market area in the Old City and were beaten and humiliated,