Palestinian sources reported on Tuesday that Israeli soldiers attacked detainee Woroud Qasim, 20, from the Arab town of Al Teera, as she tried to talk to her brother before the court session in the Central Court in Tel Aviv.Hammad Qasim, Worouds brother , stated that when the soldiers brought his sister to court, she tried to speak with her family as she has not seen them since November 2006, but the soldiers attacked and dragged her away while she was chained and handcuffed.

The soldiers told the family that they are not allowed to be near her or talk to her in any way.

Her brother added that the judge ordered the soldiers to transfer Woroud to a hospital for medical checkups as the chains and cuffs caused cuts in her hands and legs.

Several months ago, the Israeli prosecution in Tel Aviv Central Court filed charges against Woroud accusing her of “conducting security violations which endangered the security of Israel”, and claimed that she had planned a suicide bombing in a restaurant in Ra’nana Israeli town.

The prosecution also claimed that Woroud had joined “Fatah Hawks” armed group in 2006 and that she was “asked by the Al Qaida network to help in transferring a wired vehicle from the West Bank into Israel”.

The prosecution also claimed that Woroud refused to carry the transfer and suggested that her cousin, who is from the West Bank and works in Israel without a permit, would do the transfer and that he agreed but faced several obstacles which barred him from doing so.

The charges filed against Woroud include “aiding the enemy in the time of war, contacting a foreign agent, membership in a terrorist organization and bearing arms”.

Representing Woroud, Lawyer Ehab Jaljouli said that she denied all charges filed against her.