Israeli forces and settlers injured four Palestinians, including several youth, in separate attacks in the southern West Bank city of Hebron. A fifth individual was arrested following the attacks.

Medical sources at the government hospital in Hebron told PNN that the Palestinian bodies were covered in bruises, contusions, and fractures as a result of the brutal beatings by the Israeli soldiers and settlers.

The injured included 12 year old Yasser Shabane, who suffered a broken right arm; 36 year old Mousa Al Atrash, who suffered bruises and contusions on his right foot; and 17 year old Tariq Badawi, who suffered a cerebral conncussion and bruises throughout his body. The attacks took place near the northwestern part of the Wall outside Hebron, in between the illegal Israeli settlement of Gamat Yishai and Tel Rumeida.

In a separate incident, Israeli forces arrested a Palestinian citizen from Hebron following an invasion and inspection of several houses in the town. Sources from the office of the Palestinian Prisoner Society of Hebron told PNN that the Israeli forces raided the home of Ahmed Abu Shahin today at dawn and arrested his son, taking him to an unknown location.