Israeli forces abducted, on Wednesday, six Palestinian young men in Nablus city, in the northern West Bank and Tulkarem in the northwestern part.

At dawn on Wednesday Israeli soldiers invaded the home of Mahmoud Adeeb Shreiteh before abducting him from the city of Tulkarem in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

Family members of the young man said that soldiers informed them that their son, Alaa is “wanted” and that he must surrender himself.

Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers invaded, on Wednesday morning, the northern West Bank city of Nablus, abducted five Palestinian young men and injured twelve citizens, ten of whom were shot with live rounds.

Soldiers invaded and ransacked the homes of Nasr Mabrouka, Khaled Habash, Muhammad Qandil, Asem Yaish, Ahmed Al-Shanter, and Nasr Mabrouka.

In related news, the army abducted five Palestinian young men, and injured one, in the Jenin governorate in the northern West Bank, one of whom is a former prisoner who was recently released after serving twenty years in occupation prison.