Israeli forces abducted, on Sunday, two Palestinian young men in the central West Bank governorate, and two others in the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron.

On Sunday evening, occupation forces abducted two Palestinian men in the town of Kafr Malek, and detained others, east of Ramallah in the central West Bank.

Media sources said that soldiers invaded the town of Kafr Malek, and abducted the two young men, Yassin Ahmed Bairat, 23, and Mohammad Nazim Bairat, 22, after breaking into their homes.

Sources added that occupation forces detained the young man, Abdul Hamid Ragheb Bairat, 31, and assaulted him before releasing him.

Soldiers also detained the young man, Mahmoud Farouk Bairat, 24, at the entrance to the village, releasing him later.

Meanwhile, several army units invaded the towns of Sinjil, Turmus Ayya, Silwad, and Beit Rima in the Ramallah governorate; no abductions were reported.

Media sources said that Israeli forces stormed the towns of Sinjil and Turmus Ayya, northeast of Ramallah, sparking protests, while soldiers fired concussion grenades; no injuries were reported.

Furthermore, Israeli forces abducted two Palestinians and broke into several citizens’ homes in the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron.

Media sources said that occupation forces abducted the citizen, Turki Muhammad Hammad Abu Sabha, on Sunday morning, at a military roadblock near the illegal “Kiryat Arba” settlement, east of Hebron.

Sources added that soldiers abducted the young man, Hani Ghaith, in the town of Bani Na’im, east of the city.

The statement added that the total number of abductions since October 7, 2023 has reached more than 9,750, including those who were abducted from their homes, through military roadblocks, those who were forced to surrender themselves under pressure, and those who were held hostage.


Army Abducts Eight Palestinians in the West Bank