On Thursday, a young man was injured when paramilitary illegal Israeli colonizers invaded Kisan village, east of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Local sources reported that colonizers assaulted 19-year-old Mohammad Saleh Obeidallah, who also sustained injuries from a dog bite after the colonizers unleashed the dog on him in the Kisan wilderness.

Abdul Halim Ja’afra, the director of Ambulance and Emergency Services at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in Bethlehem, said the medics treated a young man who had sustained wounds, bruises, and bites from a dog attack and transferred him to Beit Jala Governmental Hospital.

Ahmad Ghazal, the Secretary of the Fateh Movement in Kisan, indicated that a group of colonizers attacked Obeidallah while he was herding his sheep in the wilderness area, severely beating him before unleashing a dog that bit him, resulting in bruises and wounds.

Ghazal added that Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers have recently escalated their daily attacks on shepherds. These attacks include beatings, live fire, stealing livestock, imposing hefty fines, and threatening them not to return to grazing areas.

In addition, Israeli forces invaded the Shu’fat refugee camp north of occupied Jerusalem, leading to protests, during which soldiers fired live bullets, sound bombs, and tear gas. No injuries or arrests were reported.

The soldiers also invaded the village of Kafr Laqif, east of Qalqilia in the northwestern West Bank, and stormed homes belonging to the Assaf and Jaber families, searching and ransacking their contents. The army also detained at least 20 young men and subjected them to field interrogations.

In related news, Israeli soldiers abducted two young men on Thursday night during an attack by paramilitary Israeli colonizers on citizens’ homes and stole dozens of sheep in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Furthermore, Israeli forces assassinated seven Palestinian young men and injured at least twelve, including a child seriously, during a prolonged attack against the town of Qabatia, south of Jenin in the northern West Bank.

On Thursday evening, Israeli forces abducted two young Palestinian men from the town of Ya’bad, southwest of Jenin.

Earlier Thursday, Israeli soldiers abducted 13 citizens from their homes in Qalqilia and Jayyous, located in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank. They were among 35 Palestinians, including one woman, whom the soldiers abducted from their homes.