Israeli soldiers invaded the city of Jenin in the occupied West Bank’s northern part early Saturday morning and abducted a Palestinian.

Local sources reported that several military vehicles invaded the city from the direction of the al-Jalama military roadblock and headed to the Khallet as-Soha area and the eastern neighborhood in Jenin.

The sources added that the soldiers stormed and ransacked many homes and abducted a young man, Qassam Shafe’ey.

Many Palestinians protested the invasion of the eastern neighborhood of Jenin city; the soldiers fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

According to Quds News Network, Palestinian fighters exchanged fire with the soldiers invading Jenin, wounding one soldier.

In related news, Israeli soldiers disrupted the movement of citizens north of Ramallah, in the central West Bank.

Eyewitnesses said the army set up a military roadblock near the Rawabi roundabout on the road leading to the towns and villages of Ajjoul, Aroura, and Mazari’ al-Nubani, before stopping and searching many cars, and interrogated the Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.