The family of detainee Reziq Abdullah Rajoub, 57, from the southern West Bank city of Hebron, voiced an appeal to human rights and legal groups to intervene for his release, especially amidst his deteriorating health condition.Rajoub’s brother, Hamdan, said the detainee has been repeatedly imprisoned by Israel, spending a total of 22 years in Israeli prisons. His latest arrest came only 15 days after his release.

He has various health conditions, and requires gallbladder surgery as soon as possible.

“My brother was kidnapped on January 7 2014; Israel issued a six-month arbitrary Administrative Detention, without charges,’ the brother said, “He was repeatedly hospitalized due to low blood count, and complications of a surgery that never healed.’

Head of the Ahrar Center, Fuad al-Khoffash, says that Rajoub is facing serious, life-threatening complications, and should be immediately released to receive the urgently needed treatment.

Al-Khoffash warned of the increasing number of ailing detainees, and serious complications they face, due to the lack of specialized and adequate medical attention.

Although no charges were brought against him, Israel refuses to release him, and insists on keeping him imprisoned.