Palestinian protesters near the Gaza border managed to bring down an Israeli drone with a stone and a slingshot, a video posted online recently revealed.

Footage by Press TV shows Palestinians hurling stones at an Israeli drone with a slingshot. A heavy cloud of grey smoke can be seen, while sirens are heard in the background.

One of the demonstrators is eventually successful, prompting the protesters to erupt in celebration. The incident happened on Friday, according to Days of Palestine.

There has been no reaction from Israel, although Tel Aviv has been using drones to monitor Palestinians and fire tear gas on protesters.

Palestinians have been protesting near the Gaza border as part of the Great Return March since the end of March.

The demonstrations are slated to continue until Nakba on May 15, a day when Palestinians mark the mass evacuation from their homes and lands by Zionist militias in 1948.

Israeli occupation forces have killed at least 50 protesters and wounded some 8,000 others since March 30.