The Palestinian Prisoners Society said Friday that it received a list of the demands of the detainees in Israeli detention camps, and added that the open-ended hunger strike will start August 15 in some detention camps, and August 18.

Army should stop its policy of naked body searches.

End the policy of imposing fines on the detainees.

Halt all violations, abuse, and assaults against the detainees.

Stop the continues raids against the rooms of the detainees, and the confiscations of their belongings.

Allow visitations.

Remove the glass barriers which block direct contact with their families on visitation.

Improve medical care and operate the sick detainees who need medical operations or hospitalization.

Stop the policy of solitary imprisonment and isolation.

Allow the entry of food and clothes brought by their families.

Allow brothers who are detained to be with each other.

Allow phone calls to their parents.

Improve the basic needs instead of reducing them such as cleaning materials, soap, clothes, and anti bug and insects materials.

Allow the entry of books, pens, and educational materials, games and letters.

Allow the detainees to cock their own food instead of allowing the criminal of civil detainees from cooking it.

Improve their conditions, re-open windows, remove metal barriers, and increase the period their break (the period they are allowed to leave their cells).

Allow the detainees to visit each other in the same detention in their rooms and detention halls.

Allow the detainees to study remotely in local and foreign universities.

Reduce the number of detainees placed in small over crowded rooms.

Halt the provocations and humiliations conducting against them by jailors.

Improve medical service, provide the detentions with clinics and specialized doctors, and improve the medical service in Al-Ramleh detention.

Stop the policy of deporting detainees from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip, or abroad.

Allow detained brother form being with each other in the same prison and branch.

First Official response by the Israeli government

Hanegbi: “Detainees can strike to death, I completely reject their demands”

Israeli Public Security Minister, Tzachi Hanegbi, LIKUD, after conducting a meeting with police chief Moshe Karadi and Prisons Service chief Ya’akov Ganot to discuss the Hunger Strike to be conducted Sunday, by Palestinian detainees in Israeli detention camps and prisons.

Hanegbi claimed that the security detainees are planning what he described as “terrors attack” from their cells.

Israeli security sources claimed that the demands of the detainees publicly claimed, according to the security source, are not the real motivations behind the Strike, and claimed that they want more freedom to continue “planning for terrorist attacks against the Israeli and army”, according to the source.

The source added that one thing is sure about this strike, which is that some detainees will strike to death if their demands were not met.