In a move to strip PLO foreign minister Farouq Qadoumi of authority over PLO representatives in foreign countries, the PLO executive committee decided Friday to delegate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas all the authorities the President of Palestine is entitled to.
The decision will be in effect until the convening of the PLO central committee. The PLO panel did not approve a date for holding the committee meeting.
The decision was made following mounting friction between the PA foreign minister Naser Kidwa and Qadoumi over who holds authority over PLO representatives in foreign countries, who currently act as Palestinian Ambassadors.
Late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, who, according to the PLO by-laws, enjoyed full authority over all the PLO institutes in all countries, has delegated authority over PLO representatives to Qadoumi, who still heads the PLO foreign affairs department.
In order to delegate power to the newly appointed PA foreign minister, the PLO executive committee, the organization highest executive committee, has to delegate Abbas with authority over PLO representative offices.