More than 17 Palestinian students suffered from tear-gas inhalation, after Israeli forces stormed the town of Abu Dis, in the occupied West Bank district of Jerusalem, on Tuesday, and attacked university students at al-Quds University.

Local sources said, according to Ma’an, that Israeli forces stormed the Abu Dis village and surrounded the al-Quds University as classes were in session.

Israeli forces fired dozens of tear-gas bombs and stun grenades at Palestinian students.

Sources confirmed that 17 students suffered from tear-gas inhalation.
Al-Quds University, along with other Palestinian universities, has been subjected to numerous Israeli military raids, in the past.

The university was raided several times, throughout the years, when Israeli forces destroyed the school’s property, injured scores of students during confrontations, seized the school’s equipment and documents, and even staged a raid during a book fair for students in need, proceeding to destroy and confiscate all of the contents of the fair meant for struggling, low-income students.

Archive IMEMC post 12/05/18 Israel Will No Longer Recognize Degrees from Al-Quds University