Brigadier General Abdul Razzak Al-Majaydeh, chief of the General Security Apparatus said Tuesday the PA will send 45 Police officers to Egypt for training by the end of this week in preparation of the intended Israeli withdrawal from Gaza Strip.

Al-Majaydeh’s statement followed talks between a Palestinian security delegation and Egyptian security officials in Cairo.

The two delegations also discussed reforms in the Palestinian security devices to enhance its performance in maintaining security.

Cairo retreated the offer to send security advisors and experts to Gaza Strip after failing to get Israeli guarantees to stop attacks against all Palestinians, especially the assassinations. Cairo said they are willing to train Palestinian security only in Egypt.

The 45 police officers will start on Saturday a six-week training course that will include ‘all security issues’ Al-Majaydeh said.

‘We will not be able to calm things down and break the cycle of violence if Israel does not stop the assassinations and the home demolitions’ said Al-Majatdeh.

Al-Majaydeh is on the security delegation to Egypt together with Minister of Interior, Haka Bal’awi, Chief of Palestinian Intelligence, Amin Al-Hindi, chief of the military intelligence Mousa Arafat and chief of the Palestinian Police, Sa’eb Al-Ajez.

‘The Palestinian Authority needs to rebuild its security facilities. Most of them were destroyed in Israeli attacks,’ said Al-Majaydeh. ‘Some of the donor countries will help the PA while working under Egyptian supervision,’ Al-Majaydeh added.