Hamas’s Political Bureau Chief Khaled Mashaal arrived in Cairo late Saturday, an airport official said.

His arrival to Cairo is believed to be linked to the ongoing Egyptian efforts to sponsor unity talks among Palestinian factions.

Earlier on Saturday, Egypt announced postponing the meeting, which was scheduled for Sunday, due to lack of Israeli cooperation.

Egyptian officials are still waiting to hear Israeli guarantees to halt military attacks in the Gaza Strip after the intended pullout. Egyptians believe that such an announcement will help them convince Palestinian factions to accept a cease-fire.

As well, Egypt demands for Israel to declare intentions to completely withdraw the Gaza Strip, including the Philadilphi border corridor. Egypt considered such a demand as essential for playing an active security rule inside the Gaza Strip.

Mashal tops the list of Palestinian leaders outside of the occupied Palestinian territories targeted for assassination by Israel .

In the aftermath of the double bombing attack in Be’er Sheva, which took the lives of 16 Israelis, Israel pointed finger at the Syrian-based Hamas leadership as directly responsible, warning both Syria and Hamas Diaspora leaders with retaliation.

Since then, Mashaal did not make any public appearance. Media sources reported that he and others in Hamas’s leadership left Syria to other unknown destinations.